Saturday, July 11, 2009

Hanging with the crew at Somerset....

Talking about how to take our businesses online.

Jeff Fuson

p.s. I'm on Twitter at JeffFuson if you wanna keep up with what's going on that way.

Jeff Fuson is a Leadership Keynote Speaker who serves as Point Leader for Phos Hilaron Church near Louisville Kentucky. Jeff's # 1 passion is being a husband and daddy. A close second is seeing people grow spiritually. As a Professional Speaker Jeff delivers Leadership Keynote Speeches & training events for Leaders, Executives, Supervisors, Entrepreneurs in Government, Banks, Credit Unions, NonProfits and other cutting edge enterprises. He's got one incredible wife and 3 awesome children.

Friday, July 10, 2009

What Label are You Sticking on Your Life?

What Label Have You Slapped On Your Life?

When you describe your life what label do you stick on it? Some say, it’s ‘war’, an ‘endurance race’, a ‘struggle’, a ‘quest’, or maybe an ‘adventure’. If I know what label you choose to stick onto your life I can predict with a high level of accuracy how you’ll respond when good times roll in and when challenges rain down like hail in a summer storm.

If the label ‘struggle’ is stuck on your life when you hit a challenge it will just confirm what you already believe and you’ll continue the downward spiral of attracting more of the same.

If you stick the label ‘adventure’ on your life you’ll be in better position to handle the realities around the next bend. Life is surely tough at times, but if you have the right label you can bounce back from the struggles faster and enjoy the good times more without an impending sense of dread that something bad always follows something good.

Choose carefully because the label you apply may just cause you to rise of fall to the level of your label.

Jeff Fuson

p.s. I'm on Twitter at JeffFuson if you wanna keep up with what's going on that way.

Jeff Fuson is a Leadership Keynote Speaker who serves as Point Leader for Phos Hilaron Church near Louisville Kentucky. Jeff's # 1 passion is being a husband and daddy. A close second is seeing people grow spiritually. As a Professional Speaker Jeff delivers Leadership Keynote Speeches & training events for Leaders, Executives, Supervisors, Entrepreneurs in Government, Banks, Credit Unions, NonProfits and other cutting edge enterprises. He's got one incredible wife and 3 awesome children.

The Biggest Tombstone ..... Henry Clay in the Lexington Cemetary

I said goodbye to an old friend, Rodney Mann, today at the Lexington Cemetary. A tragic end preceded by a strange twist of fate and a bizarre way to die for a Medical Doctor. I'm sad that we won't get to catch up on this side of life. However, I have a great hope, that one day in a place past this life we'll get to hang out again.

The Lexington Cemetery is a stunning display of God's gift of natural beauty to Kentucky and of our ability to enshrine those we love. This statue perched up a high tower sits on top of a large mausoleum where Henry & Mrs. Clay's sarcophagi rest behind a wrought iron pad-locked gate. A sobering reminder that even if you have the biggest tombstone you're still dead.

So, on this side of the tombstone, while there's still breath in my lungs I will celebrate the moments and sing the days into memory with the ones I love. I will be more passionate about squeezing the juice from the hugs and kisses of little people I love and embracing the ones I'll one day miss more often.

This IS the day that the Lord has made and I WILL REJOICE....


Jeff Fuson

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

What to do when you experience Job Loss or other Major Life Transitions

John Wooden, one of the winningest coaches of all time got it right when he said, "I will prepare and perhaps my chance will come."

When preparation meets opportunity it's often called 'luck'. We could all use more 'luck' and we can swing the odds in our favor by preparing to win moment by moment.

In helping people who are dealing with Job Loss and other Big Life Transistions I've learned to coach them to run on two rails as they prepare for the next stage of life. Rail #1 is Seeking God as our First Resource rather than a Last Resort and diving into a full-on relationship with Him where we realize that God himself is the prize our hearts seek--nothing more is truly needed and nothing less will do. Rail #2 WORK and PREPARE so well that you know that you deserve to win when your opportunity presents itself. Take your God Given talents, abilities, gifts, and strengths and hammer them into refined muscular steel when you are in the 'off-season' so that when you're called to get back out there that you'll KNOW all the way down to your core that not only do you deserve playing time, but that you deserve to win.

Life is NOT a DIY Project (Do-It-Yourself) and, so we need to cooperate with God in re-creating a new future by waiting with Him and for Him. However, as we wait on God to move on our behalf we need to PREPARE.

How can we prepare when we're in transition?

1. Exercise--get your heart pumping and your brain fueled with Oxygen so you can think clearly

2. Get around some positive people who build you up (AND, get away from the 'neggies')

3. Hire a Life Coach who is an Authentic Christ Follower

4. Seek God Moment by Moment -- read The Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence

5. Have a heart to heart with your significant others and let em know that you need their positive input to make this go and that right now is not the time to remind you of what a loser you are....(often spouses are very guilty of wiping out the other spouse with subtle cues that they really are a loser and they'll always be a loser....POWERFUL messages that can be like a 5,000 pound boat anchor on a bass boat) [btw, I'm not saying that you are a loser, but we often slap that label on ourselves when we've lost a job or taken a serious career hit]

6. Learn Like Your Life Depends On It [it does] Ramp up hard here as a key way to prepare so that you'll know at your core that you deserve to win when your next chance comes. You can learn in all kinds of ways for free or nearly so like:
  • The Public Library
  • Online Forums, blogs, magazines
  • Itunes offers all kinds of classes for free or very little $ so you can listen your way to success
  • Turn your car into a mobile university and listen to Podcasts related to areas where you need to grow - stop wasting hours each week being brain dead. You can't afford Idle Brain Syndrome anymore--pump it full of great powerful insights and information....PREPARE
7. Volunteer at Non-Profits as a way to give back and to remind yourself that you are not alone and that there are always others less fortunate. This helps stop the Pity Party that just pulls you down and accelerates the 'I'm such a loser downward emo spiral'.

8. Get active Spiritually by finding a Christ Centered church and connecting with some positive productive people there by getting involved in a small group.

9. Dive into your Bible and start learning more. (there are several online Bibles where you can start learning and you can go to the Bible Basics Blog to find a crew to grow with)

10. Write your 'Future Story' -- a vivid detailed 'smoke filled' description of the future you most desire. I say 'smoke filled' because a well written future story will make your mouth water like the smoke wafting from a hot grill loaded with juicy steaks. Begin writing the story of what you'd like your future to feel like, and how you'll invest your time and with whom and for what great cause. This will be the fuel for hard days of preparation and waiting.

11. Be consistent day in and day out as you prepare to win and wait on God and perhaps your chance will come. And, the longer it takes the more prepared you will be.

12. Overlearn in your field of choice and become a junkie who can talk the smack so that when the opportunity comes in the form of a business to launch or a job to interview for you'll be ready to win.

13. Get active in Online Forums and other venues where professionals in your field are hanging out online.

14. Build out your Social Networking Capital at LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and whatever other new opportunities come up next. Get active and connected. Don't just sit something!!

15. Call old friends and catch up. Be truly interested in them and what's happening with them rather than just blathering on about your own situation. Yes, do tell them, but be more interested in learning about them than telling about you.

By the way, these same steps can be used to make you more resilient and bulletproof when chance comes your way. So, if you still have a great career the same advice applies. Connect to God vitally and OverPrepare.

Rooting for YOU,

Jeff Fuson

p.s. I'm on Twitter at JeffFuson if you wanna keep up with what's going on that way.

Jeff Fuson is a Leadership Keynote Speaker who serves as Point Leader for Phos Hilaron Church near Louisville Kentucky. Jeff's # 1 passion is being a husband and daddy. A close second is seeing people grow spiritually. As a Professional Speaker Jeff delivers Leadership Keynote Speeches & training events for Leaders, Executives, Supervisors, Entrepreneurs in Government, Banks, Credit Unions, NonProfits and other cutting edge enterprises. He's got one incredible wife and 3 awesome children.
Preparing a new web marketing course that's gonna help entrepeneurs take it to the web!

Monday, July 6, 2009

The Goose that Laid the Golden Eggs -- A Leadership Fable by Aesop

This little fable has a deep meaning for leaders, teams, and organizations.
Read it and following I have a few questions for you to consider.


A Man and his Wife had the good fortune to possess a Goose which laid a Golden Egg every day. Lucky though they were, they soon began to think they were not getting rich fast enough, and, imagining the bird must be made of gold inside, they decided to kill it in order to secure the whole store of precious metal at once. But when they cut it open they found it was just like any other goose. Thus, they neither got rich all at once, as they had hoped, nor enjoyed any longer the daily addition to their wealth.

Much wants more and loses all.


1. What is the goose that lays the golden egg in your life right now? It may be the organization that you are leading or maybe it's YOU. A leader can get so focused on leading and organizational outcomes that she/he can lose her soul in the quest.
2. Is there a way to coax more production out of the goose or is this a time to 'fatten' up the goose?
3. If you are patient what's the long term payout from a well-cared for goose?
4. If you insist on pressing the goose into more production right now what will likely happen?
5. Would you rather have production far into the future or an immediate return?
6. Are you willing to adjust your expectations so that both the goose and you can 'win'?
7. What's the most important thing to do to take care of your goose right now? Over the next 3 months? 6 Months? One year? 3 years? 5 years?

We can accomplish far more in 10 years than we imagine and far less in one year than we'd like. Play for the long game. Push the fly wheel and be disciplined about your actions and you'll be amazed at how well the 'Goose' (call this your 'core business unit') does over the long haul. Impatience and failure to feed the goose with the training, tools, and marketing support she needs and you'll likely lose the long term payout that was possible.

Leaders run the tightrope of managing expectations AND producing long term profitability AND taking great care of the goose.

Let this fable feed your imagination about what you need to do to care for the Goose in your life.

Jeff Fuson

p.s. I'm on Twitter at JeffFuson if you wanna keep up with what's going on that way.

Jeff Fuson is a Leadership Keynote Speaker who serves as Point Leader for Phos Hilaron Church near Louisville Kentucky. Jeff's # 1 passion is being a husband and daddy. A close second is seeing people grow spiritually. As a Professional Speaker Jeff delivers Leadership Keynote Speeches & training events for Leaders, Executives, Supervisors, Entrepreneurs in Government, Banks, Credit Unions, NonProfits and other cutting edge enterprises. He's got one incredible wife and 3 awesome children.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

5 Steps to Greatness

5 Steps to Get to the Top of The Game in Your Field
from: Fox News Channel / Sunday July 5
from the book = Fresh Start / Training Camp for Greatness by John Gordon

Training Camp, what the Best do Better than Everyone Else
1. Be willing to outwork everyone else
example: Will Smith says, “I’m not afraid to die on a treadmill” – I will not be outworked
2. Focus on the Little Things
3. Don’t Lower Your Standards When No One’s Looking
Stay humble and hungry with passion
4. Don’t be focused on outcomes. Instead, focus on the process that gets you there.
5. Be more positive than others all the time.
a. Avoid negative people because they make you sick
b. Build a Positive Team to surround yourself with.

All success is created in the process. The process is the reward.

Jeff Fuson

p.s. I'm on Twitter at JeffFuson if you wanna keep up with what's going on that way.

Jeff Fuson is a Leadership Keynote Speaker who serves as Point Leader for Phos Hilaron Church near Louisville Kentucky. Jeff's # 1 passion is being a husband and daddy. A close second is seeing people grow spiritually. As a Professional Speaker Jeff delivers Leadership Keynote Speeches & training events for Leaders, Executives, Supervisors, Entrepreneurs in Government, Banks, Credit Unions, NonProfits and other cutting edge enterprises. He's got one incredible wife and 3 awesome children.