Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The INTERNET has always been ON for the class of 2011.....learn more

Fun List to consider as you work to connect with Young People in the years ahead.

Check it out here: http://www.beloit.edu/mindset/2011.php

Jeff Fuson

p.s. I'm on Twitter at JeffFuson if you wanna keep up with what's going on that way.

Jeff Fuson is a Leadership Keynote Speaker who serves as Point Leader for Phos Hilaron Church near Louisville Kentucky. Jeff's # 1 passion is being a husband and daddy. A close second is seeing people grow spiritually. As a Professional Speaker Jeff delivers Leadership Keynote Speeches & training events for Leaders, Executives, Supervisors, Entrepreneurs in Government, Banks, Credit Unions, NonProfits and other cutting edge enterprises. He's got one incredible wife and 3 awesome children.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

4 Strengths are Job#1 for Leaders

“Military training teaches you that there are four strengths: mental, emotional, physical and spiritual.” Robert Kiyosaki

And, then from those strengths flow the derivatives of leadership, followership, financial intelligence, business moxy, courage, wisdom, and character. Bolstering the 4 strengths daily is the #1 job of every leader. We must lead ourselves first in growing ever more powerful in the 4 Strengths.

It’s easy to overlook the emotional and spiritual side of things, but as we’re learning these days in great works like Primal Leadership this is a vital & powerful aspect of leading ourselves and others.

What one thing will YOU do today to strengthen yourself in each of four strengths?

Do you have a coach or mentor that is further along to inspire, challenge and equip you?

Do you have a vision that fuels your actions?

Four Strengths. Do em.


p.s. I'm on Twitter at twitter.com/JeffFuson if you wanna keep up with what's going on that way.

Jeff Fuson is a Leadership Keynote Speaker who serves as Point Leader for Phos Hilaron Church near Louisville Kentucky. Jeff's # 1 passion is being a husband and daddy. A close second is seeing people grow spiritually. As a Professional Speaker Jeff delivers Leadership Keynote Speeches & training events for Leaders, Executives, Supervisors, Entrepreneurs in Government, Banks, Credit Unions, NonProfits and other cutting edge enterprises. He's got one incredible wife and 3 awesome children.