I'm more convinced than ever that to lead well is to follow well. That for you to fulfill your highest potential that you will have to choose to follow someone 'bigger' than you. That the quality of the one you follow will determine the quality and qualities of your life.
More specifically, for a leader to become a great leader she/he will have to choose a 'greater' leader to follow. You'll have to choose a person to follow, to emulate, to learn from and take her/his way of life into your core. The more like the leader you follow you become the more likely you'll excavate the full range of gifts, talents, aptitudes, abilities, and preferences that were hard-wired into you and / or that you've picked up through living.
So, choose wisely. Choose to follow someone who represents the highest levels possible.
As for me, I've chosen Jesus Christ as the greatest person, and the greatest leader of all time.
I don't know of a person who lived a more exemplary life, who led better or who I'd want to become like in the end game of my life. In addition to Christ himself, there are those who have followed Christ well that I am learning from and drawing close to both in person and in books, sermons, podcasts, vimeo, etc. We have more access to great people than ever through the internet and the explosion of portable technologies that make a great person's thinking just a tap away. Those sorts of people make up my 'upward mentors'. Those who are deeply committed to living and leading like Jesus are my 'heroes' and point the way to the True North Principles of Living With and Like Jesus.
Dallas Willard has been one of those 'upward mentors' for me through his writing. The most important book that I've ever read (and still study) is 'Renovation of the Heart'. For the first time in my life I learned how to overcome the 'stuff' that was constantly tripping me up. I learned how to access the power for transformation that comes through a reliance on Grace and the Holy Spirit. I'd highly recommend that book to anyone who wants to seriously follow Jesus.
I'm reading another Dallas Willard book today called 'The Great Omission' and finding it to be impacting and true. This quote sums up the opening volley of his book,
'Nothing less than life in the steps of Christ is adequate to the human soul or the needs of our world.'
As the point leader of Phos Church and as a student of leadership and the outcomes of great leadership who is concerned about how we, as Christ-ones, impact the world, this has become my blazing passion. To see the people I serve/lead get 'BIG' in their faith and walk with Christ. To see them treat following Christ and the restoration of their hearts by the power of the Holy Spirit as the highest priorities of their lives. All else will take care of itself.
Our community and our world is dying for us to become full-on Holy Spirit empowered Christ-Ones who will live, love, and lead like Jesus. When this happens our lives will be changed for the better and the world will be changed much for the better.
In Jesus' most famous prayer he prayed, 'Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.'
Jesus was very interested in the participation of His followers in His incarnation. Because when we are immersed in participation (living in & with) in the 'incarnation' of Christ the transformation of our situation and the situation of others is imminent.
So, I'm calling myself and you to full participation in the incarnation of Christ so that our situation's transformation will come quickly.
Jesus was more interested in our participation in His incarnation than he was in evacuation from the situation. He knew that our participation would lead the transformation of the situation of the world.
Live BIG,
Jeff Fuson
Jeff Fuson
p.s. I'm on Twitter at JeffFuson if you wanna keep up with what's going on that way.
Jeff Fuson is a Leadership Keynote Speaker who serves as Point Leader for Phos Hilaron Church near Louisville Kentucky. Jeff's # 1 passion is being a husband and daddy. A close second is seeing people grow spiritually. As a Professional Speaker Jeff delivers Leadership Keynote Speeches & training events for Leaders, Executives, Supervisors, Entrepreneurs in Government, Banks, Credit Unions, NonProfits and other cutting edge enterprises. He's got one incredible wife and 3 awesome children.