Monday, May 31, 2010

Tyler Frerman Teen Memorial Gathering and Funeral Arrangements

Continue to pray for Tyler Frerman's family -- mom, Cheryl, brother, Austin and dad, Tony....

Teen Memorial Gathering for friends of Tyler Frerman

Ballardsville Baptist Church Christian Life Center
7 to 9 PM Monday May 31

Photo Memorial Board: if you have a photo of Tyler you'd like to put on a memorial board for his family please bring those.  (you will not get the photo back)  

Parents, teachers, school personnel and area church youth workers are all encouraged to come be a part of this time of listening & praying with the teens impacted by Tyler's death.
Optional: Bring snacks & drinks to share.

Funeral Arrangements
Visitation will be at Stoes Funeral Home in Crestwood 
Wednesday Evening June 2 from 2 to 8 PM

Funeral Service will be at Crestwood Baptist Church
Thursday Morning June 3 at 10:30 AM

Jeff Fuson

Phos Church [it means 'light']
The Church for People who Don't Go to Church.

Posted via email from Phos News

Posted via email from Phos News

Tyler Frerman Teen Memorial Gathering and Funeral Arrangements

Teen Memorial Gathering for friends of Tyler Frerman

Ballardsville Baptist Church Christian Life Center
7 to 9 PM Monday May 31
Photo Memorial Board: if you have a photo of Tyler you'd like to put on a memorial board for his family please bring those.  (you will not get the photo back)  

Parents, teachers, school personnel and area church youth workers are all encouraged to come be a part of this time of listening & praying with the teens impacted by Tyler's death.
Optional: Bring snacks & drinks to share.

Funeral Arrangements
Visitation will be at Stoes Funeral Home in Crestwood 
Wednesday Evening June 2 from 2 to 8 PM

Funeral Service will be at Crestwood Baptist Church
Thursday Morning June 3 at 10:30 AM

Jeff Fuson

Phos Church [it means 'light']
The Church for People who Don't Go to Church.

Posted via email from Phos News

Teen Gathering and Funeral Arrangements for Tyler Frerman ....

Teen Gathering
Monday Evening, May 31 7 to 9 PM
Ballardsville Baptist Church Christian Life Center

Posted via email from Phos News

M3D to Estill County was fantastic!

I'm so glad that I'm part of a church that is on Mission here, there, and everywhere to Love God, Love our Neighbors and Expand the Neighborhood.  It was a success in every way and Aldersgate Camp is much more prepared to receive hundreds of campers who will learn about Jesus this summer.  

And, the Internet Simulcast worship experience helped connected us for worship in both locations in a fantastic way.  We're learning how to leverage technology to be the body of Christ today.

I sure hope you'll join us later this summer for the 'Barn Painting Party' at the Downings in LaGrange on July 11 at 2 PM that Sunday afternoon.  Nothing bonds us and builds us like stretching and serving together.

Posted via email from Phos News

Tyler Frerman, rising Senior at OCHS, died last evening

Please pray for Cheryl Frerman who lost her oldest son yesterday afternoon in a drowning incident at Crystal Lake in LaGrange, KY.  Tyler is survived by his mother, a brother, Austin and his father, Tony.  Cheryl and the boys have been a part of the Phos community for about a year and a half.  Tyler was a LaCrosse Player at OCHS.  I'll post more as we have more details.  The Frermans are close friends of the Jaggers so please pray for them as well as they are working closely with the family to help them through this crushing time.  As we learn more I'll post it here. 

Posted via email from Phos News

Friday, May 28, 2010

BYOC at Phos Church this Sunday ...

We have a very special Sunday coming up where some of our people will be on mission in Estill County and some will be gathering at OCHS at 10 AM for worship.  
Either way, you'll have a great experience.  

Here are the key scriptures for Sunday morning so you can dig in and begin to talk with God about what these mean for you:  Galatians 5:1-3 (The Message)   The Life of Freedom   1 Christ has set us free to live a free life. So take your stand! Never again let anyone put a harness of slavery on you. / You can also dig in here.

Here are a few things that I wanted you to know about to help things go well for you this Sunday...
1.  There will be childcare both places
2.  We'll do the best we can to share in one worship experience via the internet-- this is a 'new' kind of experience that you'll enjoy
3.  BYOC -- Bring Your Own Chair -- to either location!  If you have a lawn chair of some sort or even just a folding chair please bring it, because you might need it!  (flexibility is an asset that Phos folks have in spades, so enjoy this opportunity)
4.  Communion (The Lord's Supper) will be ready for you at either location
5.  We will collect an offering at both places, but if you're traveling away from Phos this weekend you can send your gifts to Phos Church, P.O. Box 333, Buckner, KY 40010.  By the way, many of you have been stepping up stronger in your giving and it makes a big difference. 
6.  There will be light refreshments at OCHS as usual around 9:30 or so Sunday morning, so come early to enjoy. 

Reminder for those traveling to Estill County later today:  Toss your GPS out the window! For those traveling to Estill County be sure to use the directions that Meredith sent you and do not rely on your GPS or you'll be lost for a very long time.... Check out the Phos News Blog for Meredith's full email about this, your packing list, etc.

Posted via email from Phos News

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Phos Church at OCHS & ESTILL COUNTY 10 AM this Sunday ..GO - one church two locations

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GO one church two locations


For more info about Phos Church visit 

10 AM: WORSHIP EXPERIENCE  On Sunday join us at 10:00 AM 
for a worship service in two different locations.  Some of us will be at OCHS & some on a mission trip in Estill County, KY.  No matter where you'll be, you won't want to miss this exciting service as we discuss how important serving is to your relationship with Jesus.   

9:15 AM: THE PHOS CAFE (Just inside the main doors) will be open for you to grab breakfast and information 
about PH while meeting some new friends.  



(Ages 4 & under) Our team offers quality care from 9:30 a.m. to the end of the main worship experience every Sunday.  
During this time children ages 2 & 3 will participate in their own small group time.

9:30 AM (Ages 4 - 5th grade) join other children at the check-in table in the Cafe for some                                                  fun activities and to make some great friends.  

10:00 AM:(Ages 3 - 5th grade) join your parents for the first part of the main worship experience.  Midway through the service, you will be dismissed for a time of worship designed just for you.

QUESTIONS?: Check out the children’s sign-in table in the Cafe or                                                                                      email Laura Cochran at


• online (
• through email (
• by calling us (408-4731)

To follow us on Twitter visit: 

Hope to see you this Sunday! 

Posted via email from Phos News

Phos Church at OCHS10 AM this Sunday

Download now or preview on posterous
pastedGraphic.pdf (379 KB)

Check out the latest on the Phos News Blog / Learn more at 

Worship this Sunday 10 AM at OCHS ... Memorial Day Message to Celebrate our Freedom to Worship.

GO one church two locations


For more info about Phos Church visit 

10 AM: WORSHIP EXPERIENCE  On Sunday join us at 10:00 AM 
for a worship service in two different locations.  Some of us will be at OCHS & some on a mission trip in Estill County, KY.  No matter where you'll be, you won't want to miss this exciting service as we discuss how important serving is to your relationship with Jesus.   

9:15 AM: THE PHOS CAFE (Just inside the main doors) will be open for you to grab breakfast and information 
about PH while meeting some new friends.  



(Ages 4 & under) Our team offers quality care from 9:30 a.m. to the end of the main worship experience every Sunday.  
During this time children ages 2 & 3 will participate in their own small group time.

9:30 AM (Ages 4 - 5th grade) join other children at the check-in table in the Cafe for some                                                  fun activities and to make some great friends.  

10:00 AM:(Ages 3 - 5th grade) join your parents for the first part of the main worship experience.  Midway through the service, you will be dismissed for a time of worship designed just for you.

QUESTIONS?: Check out the children’s sign-in table in the Cafe or                                                                                      email Laura Cochran at


• online (
• through email (
• by calling us (408-4731)

To follow us on Twitter visit: 

Hope to see you this Sunday! 

Posted via email from Phos News

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

OCMS Choir Sings 'we are the World'

Haiti Relief Benefit Concert at the Oldham County Arts Center.

Charles Noderer works musical magic again!

On the go with my IPhone. Follow me on Twitter at JeffFuson

Posted via email from Jeff Fuson


Vital info if you're headed to Estill County this weekend!  For those not heading to Estill County we'll look forward to worship with you this Sunday at OCHS 10 AM ...

Hey there Estill County folks,

We are so close to this weekend and I am extremely excited about what God is going to do through the Phos Family in Estill County!

This email is very important, because it has a lot of vital information that you will not want to miss.  SO PLEASE READ IT!  I know it can be tempting to skip longer emails, but I am confident that this one will answer a lot of your questions.

1. DIRECTIONS:  - IMPORTANT - DO NOT RELY ON GPS, PLEASE FOLLOW THESE DIRECTIONS: (Dinner will not be provided at the camp, so please stop and grab something on your way!)

From I-75: Take the Richmond/Irvine Exit 90A. As you exit the interstate you will be on the Richmond Bypass, Rt. 25.  Proceed to a LEFT onto 52 East at the Jeep/Chrysler dealership.  Follow 52 East through Irvine / Ravenna (turn right at courthouse). Follow 52 about 2 miles to flashing yellow light. Go straight through intersection and pick up 1571. Follow 1571 under railroad, and left along river. Follow 5.5 miles until it stops at 52 again (you will have bypassed Tipton Ridge). Turn left onto 52 west, go 1.3 miles to intersection of 1182, 975 and 52. Turn right onto 1182 and then IMMEDIATELY LEFT onto 975. Aldersgate Camp and Retreat Center is at the end of 975 (3.2 miles).

RV DIRECTIONS from Irvine: Off of 52, after turning at the courthouse turn RIGHT at the second stoplight onto Kirkland Ave. Go straight at the stop sign onto 1571 (the one lane train bridge will be on your left). Follow 1571 along river. Follow 5.5 miles until it stops at 52 again (you will have bypassed Tipton Ridge). Turn left onto 52 west, go 1.3 miles to intersection of 1182, 975 and 52. Turn right onto 1182 and then IMMEDIATELY LEFT onto 975. Aldersgate Camp and Retreat Center is at the end of 975 (3.2 miles).

is from 5:00 - 8:00 pm in the chapel.  You can follow the Ph signs, once you enter the grounds of the camp.  If for some reason you are going to be arriving after 8:00 o'clock please email me and let me know.  If you arrive after 8:00 you still need to check in at the chapel.  Our first event of the weekend will take place at the campfire at 9:00 pm.  It will be a mandatory meeting for at least one member of your family to attend, so please make plans to attend.

3. TOOLS:  Attached to this email is a list of all tools needed this weekend.  If you are working in a particular area, find the appropriate area and bring any tools that you might have to help.  There are a few tools, if you have them,  that it would be good to bring for others to use - no matter what area you are working in.

These tools are as follows:  
Rakes, shovels, rubber gloves, gas powered weed eaters with oil mixture & extra fuel, Gas powered chainsaws with bar oil, & gas mixture, Lopping shears, Paint brushes and roller frames and rollers, cordless drills w/ a variety of bits.
Please make sure all of your tools are labeled.

4. PACKING LIST:  Attached to this email is the original Packing list and info sheet that you received when signing up for the trip.  Please check it out and make sure you are prepared.  Some important things that I would like to reiterate that you bring are as follows:  Bedding & linens- blankets, sleeping bags, sheets, towels etc....., Old shoes(especially for kids who plan to play in the creek), bathing suits - the pool will be open), flashlights for camp

bug & snake
repellent, utensil for s'mores.

4. HOSPITALITY ROOM & WALKIE TALKIES:  Throughout the weekend there will be a hospitality room open for all Phos folk.  It would be great if you could bring some treats to supply this room.  Things that would be nice, are fruit, chips, homemade cookies and snacks.  In addition, walkie talkies could come in very handy around camp.  If you have some available and wouldn't mind bringing them, please email me  and let me know.

4. SUNDAY DINNER:  One of the things I am most excited about this weekend is the dinner we will have together on Sunday night.  We have made incredible arrangements at a local Restaurant called Riverview in Irvine.  The restaurant has a beautiful deck that overlooks the river & they are opening up their doors just for us on Sunday night.  The meal is included in your price already paid for the weekend and it will be a great opportunity to celebrate what God has done throughout the weekend.  Please make plans for your family to stay through dinner on Sunday and enjoy the fellowship with the rest of the Phos family.  We should be finished with dinner between 6:30 and 7:00 and everyone will be able to head home from there.

Posted via email from Phos News

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Phos Church at OCHS 10 AM this Sunday ..GOOD MOURNING

Be sure to check the Phos News Blog for all the latest or the web for more info...



For more info about Phos Church visit 

10 AM: WORSHIP EXPERIENCE  On Sunday join us at 10:00 AM 
for a worship service at OCHS.  This week we will be discussing the difficulty of mourning, and overcoming grief by a Faith in Jesus Christ.  

9:15 AM: THE PHOS CAFE (Just inside the main doors) will be open for you to grab breakfast and information 
about PH while meeting some new friends.  



(Ages 4 & under) Our team offers quality care from 9:30 a.m. to the end of the main worship experience every Sunday.  
During this time children ages 2 & 3 will participate in their own small group time.

9:30 AM (Ages 4 - 5th grade) join other children at the check-in table in the Cafe for some                                                  fun activities and to make some great friends.  

10:00 AM:(Ages 3 - 5th grade) join your parents for the first part of the main worship experience.  Midway through the service, you will be dismissed for a time of worship designed just for you.

QUESTIONS?: Check out the children’s sign-in table in the Cafe or                                                                                      email Laura Cochran at


• online (
• through email (
• by calling us (408-4731)

To follow us on Twitter visit: 

Hope to see you this Sunday! 

Posted via email from Phos News

Phos Church at OCHS 10 AM this Sunday ..GOOD MOURNING



For more info about Phos Church visit 

10 AM: WORSHIP EXPERIENCE  On Sunday join us at 10:00 AM 
for a worship service at OCHS.  This week we will be discussing the difficulty of mourning, and overcoming grief by a Faith in Jesus Christ.  

9:15 AM: THE PHOS CAFE (Just inside the main doors) will be open for you to grab breakfast and information 
about PH while meeting some new friends.  



(Ages 4 & under) Our team offers quality care from 9:30 a.m. to the end of the main worship experience every Sunday.  
During this time children ages 2 & 3 will participate in their own small group time.

9:30 AM (Ages 4 - 5th grade) join other children at the check-in table in the Cafe for some                                                  fun activities and to make some great friends.  

10:00 AM:(Ages 3 - 5th grade) join your parents for the first part of the main worship experience.  Midway through the service, you will be dismissed for a time of worship designed just for you.

QUESTIONS?: Check out the children’s sign-in table in the Cafe or                                                                                      email Laura Cochran at


• online (
• through email (
• by calling us (408-4731)

To follow us on Twitter visit: 

Hope to see you this Sunday! 

Posted via email from Phos News

Phos is headed to Estill County for a Church Wide Mission Experience on May 28 to May 30 .... please join us!

There's still space for you to join us for this relationship building mission experience.  Send an email to to learn more.   Go make a difference with us!

Posted via email from Phos News

Youth Camp is Coming Up...there's still a spot for your teen .... Get More Info this Sunday

Hi, friends!

This Sunday is our meeting for parents and teens about summer camp!  Plan on staying after church in the auditorium and bring with you:

TWO copies of your medical release form to get notarized
$145 - the remaining money owed (full cost of 220 minus deposit of 75 that you already paid = 145)

If you know of anyone else that would like to go, there is room... please contact me ASAP!!!

Thank you!
Laura Cochran

Phos Church

Posted via email from Phos News

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

OCMS Kids and Charles Noderer, Choir Teacher make the news ....

Update, Corrections, and Thanks AGAIN!!!!!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rebecca J Stephens <>
Date: Sat, May 15, 2010 at 7:57 PM
Subject: Update, Corrections, and Thanks AGAIN!!!!!
To: Jeff Fuson <>

Dear Jeff and Phos folks... and friends of Phos folks,
First of all, I need to apologize for getting so many names wrong on my last email.  I recently spoke with Sallie Clark, and she helped me get some things straightened out (thank goodness!).
I credited "Mark" with bringing mulch etc... and the correct person was Gary... later his wife Teresa came over.... Thanks Gary... for everything you did to help.. you worked so hard putting all the dirt and gravel back over the drainage pipe..... as well as helping with other projects.
I had failed to mention Angela, who worked so diligently in my very weedy flower/shade garden area... as well as pulling weeds in many other various and sundry places... she helped put mulch out and clean up around my shed... as well as helping to shovel and rake the gravel and dirt over the drainage pipe. I am sure there were other things too...Thanks so much Angela...
I believe I mentioned Bert..  whose name is really Durke (sure hope I got it right this time?)  Durke went to Lowe's to pick up a bunch of supplies, figuring out how to get all the pipe laid in the ditch, as well as helping to deal with shoveling gravel etc.  Thanks for all you have done to help.
There was also Adam on the roof... who I think I mentioned as Jeff.... (probably because there are just so many of you Jeff guys in the Phos church!)... Adam.. thanks for all the caulking in various places as well as on the gutters, and for also helping with shoveling dirt and gravel back over the drainage pipe. 
Then there was Leeann... whom I called "the teacher"...she also helped with the weeding, mulching and shoveling dirt and gravel back over the drainage pipe.  
(THERE WAS A HUGE AMOUNT OF DIRT AND GRAVEL THAT HAD TO BE SHOVELED IN ORDER TO FILL UP THE TRENCH FOR THE DRAINAGE PIPE, THAT KENNY POWELL DUG WITH HIS BACK HOE!!! whew, thank goodness for all that help... I would have been working for days  by myself trying to accomplish such a task.)
Update news....
Wednesday Night - Jeff Fusion's small group came out and worked on the garage door opener - which is fixed now  YEA~~~:)
A sliding bolt was put on the garage man-door... I feel much more secure now.
The rest of the pretty begonias from Phos Church are now nicely planted around my boxwoods in the front... !!!
Trudy brought over the new gutter and supplies which was also kindly spray painted  (I think by Greg?  sorry if I am getting this mixed up again?) so that it would match the other (almond colored) gutters already on the house.
Binaca (spelling?) helped inside with vacuuming, doing dishes and had help from Grace, Richard and Rebecca's little girl... too cute.
The bathroom drywall was sanded for the final time and is ready for it's primer coat, thanks for the help Wed night!.
Lastly... there was a mystery visitor who must have come over on Tuesday while I was at work, and completely re-did all the landscaping blocks on the front of the house, as well as rebuilding the retaining wall.  It is absolutely beautiful and such a professional job.  Who ever you are, what a huge gift of time and energy.... thank you, thank you.
A great big huge THANK YOU and KUDOS to all who helped that night.....
  Richard and Rebecca
  Pam and Jeff Jeseo
Jeff Monnin
Jeff and Julie
And please, please forgive me if I missed anyone.... I can't tell you what a huge blessing this has been for me and my children.  This has been a transforming experience both physically as well as spiritually. I give thanks to our Lord every day and night for all you folks...known and unknown, who have helped make this all possible.   You have truly been the hands and feet of Christ.
May our Lord truly bless each and every one of you,
Your sister in Christ,
P.S,... sure hope to get to see you on Sunday!!!

Posted via email from Phos News

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Prayer Request

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rebecca J Stephens
Date: Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Subject: Prayer Request
To: Jeff Fuson

Dear Jeff,
I spoke with the VA Hospital today, and they are considering offering
a part time position to me..... Here is the catch.... Every.. Fri.
Sat. Sun. Monday ..1st shift.    I feel so very torn as I don't want
to miss church every Sunday, as well as time with my children.  But on
the other hand, having a somewhat routine schedule would also have its
benefits.  I have contacted my manager at Baptist Hospital to let her
know of the situation... I expect to speak with her tomorrow.  (I do
not know if I will receive benefits, and I do not know the duration of
this schedule).  Please pray that God would lead, guide and direct me
with the right decision..... Please pass this on to the prayer list.
Thanks again for all that you and Phos Church have done to help me and
my children.

Peace and Blessings,
Rebecca Stephens

Posted via email from Phos News

Friday, May 14, 2010

PHOS Church -- Quick Updates before the weekend hits....

1.  The Phos Business Mixer tomorrow is a Strong Go ... learn more here
2.   Read the prayer updates from Joni & David Boon, Jenni Stewart and others at the Phos News Blog 
3.   Please join us for worship the next 2 weeks  as it will be extremely beneficial to you and those you love.  This week you'll hear one of the most amazing turn around stories in history and next week we'll dive into how to live through the loss of a loved one.  10 AM OCHS
4.  The Family Mission Trip to Estill County is coming up at the end of the month and there's still time to get on board.  It will do great things for your family, your friendships around Phos and the people we'll be serving in Estill County, Kentucky.  Do this for YOU and for your Family.  

Have a great day and a fantastic weekend!  
Jeff Fuson

Phos Church [it means 'light']
The Church for People who Don't Go to Church.

Posted via email from Phos News

Phos Business Mixer is a STRONG Go for Saturday May 15 9 to 11 AM at the Oldham County YMCA....

The Business Owners and Sales People that have RSVPed are pumped!  

YES, there's space for you but I need to know NOW....

Looks like about 15 to 20 folks showing up ....  this will be a really fun first ever Phos Business Mixer and although we'll be very simple this round I think it could give your business a boost.  

You never know who knows who you need to know....  I'd encourage you to RSVP NOW and get to this....Saturday May 15 9 to 11 AM at the Oldham County YMCA...

What you need to know:
-Bring whatever promotional items you'd like to give away 
-Display space will be very limited to nonexistent this round, so plan accordingly
-Each person will have a few minutes to share depending on how many people show up == plan 3 to 5 minutes to show and tell
-Becka Talley has agreed to take notes and produce a Phos Business Directory of those who attend -- this will be worth coming for!
-ONLY those present will get to present -- this is only fair .....
-ALL are expected to stay the entire time to hear the other presentations -- again, this is only fair.  So, don't bother coming if you think you'll just make your pitch and then split....this is an exchange where we help each other, okay.
-Those arriving late will probably go last and I may release people to leave that need to before you present as you will have missed their presentations most likely
-Eat breakfast before you arrive, but I anticipate that the Y will have some basic coffee available.  
-there will be 'no tech' at this experience so don't plan on using DVDs, projectors, sound systems, etc.   Just you, your stuff and your pitch!!

Looking forward to this time with you!

Posted via email from Phos News

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Prayer Update on David Boon's dad

Jeff -
Just wanted to update everyone on David's Dad.  Without going into great detail, he had emergency surgery last night and is critical, but stable.  It was a very tough surgery and because of his age (86) they are concerned about his being able to bounce back from it.  He's a tough old bird though, and we are confident that with everyone's prayers, he will be able to do so.  So, at this point, it is not great, but it doesn't appear to be life threatening.  Thanks and please keep thinking of him.

Joni Boon

P: 502.969.9338  C: 502.379.0388  F: 502.969.1348

Authorized OFUSA Furniture Dealer

Founding Member - Office Movers Alliance Worldwide



Posted via email from Phos News

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Prayer Request

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Joni Boon
Date: Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Subject: Prayer Request
To: Jeff Fuson , Julie Fuson
Cc: boonwd

Please ask that
everyone say a prayer for David's dad, Bill Boon.  He is on his way to the
hospital - we have no more details at this point.  He is in Missouri so we
are waiting for information once he gets to the hospital.


502.969.9338  C: 502.379.0388  F:
Authorized OFUSA
Furniture Dealer
Founding Member -
Office Movers Alliance Worldwide

Posted via email from Phos News

Phos Church at OCHS 10 AM this Sunday ..U-TURNS ALLOWED -- pass this along to others who may want to know, please

Be sure to check out the Phos News Blog for a new prayer request from Jenni Stewart and info about the Phos Business Mixer this Saturday.  AND, there's still time to join us for a family mission trip at the end of the month (M3D to Estill County)  Video Here / Info Here / email to ask questions about the mission trip.  

Now, here's the scoop for our Worship Gathering this Sunday at OCHS.



For more info about Phos Church visit 

10 AM: WORSHIP EXPERIENCE  On Sunday join us at 10:00 AM 
for a worship service at OCHS.  This week we wil be continuing our series through Acts by looking at chapter 9. We will be discussing the remarkable transformation of Paul and what that means for us today.

9:15 AM: THE PHOS CAFE (Just inside the main doors) will be open for you to grab breakfast and information 
about PH while meeting some new friends.  



(Ages 4 & under) Our team offers quality care from 9:30 a.m. to the end of the main worship experience every Sunday.  
During this time children ages 2 & 3 will participate in their own small group time.

9:30 AM (Ages 4 - 5th grade) join other children at the check-in table in the Cafe for some                                                  fun activities and to make some great friends.  

10:00 AM:(Ages 3 - 5th grade) join your parents for the first part of the main worship experience.  Midway through the service, you will be dismissed for a time of worship designed just for you.

QUESTIONS?: Check out the children’s sign-in table in the Cafe or                                                                                      email Laura Cochran at


• online (
• through email (
• by calling us (408-4731)

To follow us on Twitter visit: 

Hope to see you this Sunday!

Posted via email from Phos News

Do something GREAT for your children and for you this Memorial Day Weekend!

Children learn what they live and they learn best from doing life with you.  

At Phos Church we believe that our hands and feet should line up with our heads & hearts when it comes to serving others in the name of Christ.  Simply said, Actions Speak Louder than Words.  So, we take action to get involved here, there, and everywhere in serving others.  Your children will be so energized by serving others and they'll learn about compassion and hard work and sacrifice.  Values that aren't easily taught but easily caught working side by side.  

AND, we'll have so much fun at Aldersgate Retreat Center which serves as our base camp.  There'll be camp fires with smores and time to play frisbee, take a hike, spark a new friendship or re-kindle an old one.  And, we'll make a difference in the lives of kids coming to camp there this summer and in the local community around Estill County.  

I sure hope you'll DO THIS with us.  

Learn more by emailing Meredith who can give you all the details.

Basically we'll crank things up on Friday evening May 28 and wrap them up on Memorial Day morning May 31 -- so you'll still have time to get with family and friends back home for a Holiday Cook-out.  

PLEASE Consider doing this for you and your family.  You'll be glad you did.  Promise.

Posted via email from Phos News

Monday, May 10, 2010

Prayer Request from Jennie Stewart, the Phos Sign Language Instructor

Will you please pray for my son Brent's dad, Brad.  He has tongue cancer, is in a lot of pain, is bleeding and neither one have a church family to support them.  I pray for healing for his dad..a peace knowing God is with him and Brent too.  They would find a personal relationship with God through Christ.  Thank you.
Thank you so much!!

Posted via email from Phos News

Saturday, May 8, 2010

OCMS Choir at King's HS Competition

Charles Noderer gets the max from these kids. They are REALLY Fantastic!

On the go with my IPhone. Follow me on Twitter at JeffFuson

Posted via email from Jeff Fuson

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Business Mixer for Phos Small Biz Owners ....

One of things I'm hearing is that you'd like to know who's who at Phos and many of you are small Business Owners that have a lot to offer to the Phos Community.  So, I want to give you a chance to Tell Us About Your Business on Saturday, May 15 from 9 to 11 AM at the Oldham County YMCA in the Community Room.  RESERVE your spot NOW.

This is an invitation only event for those who are active in the Phos Community.   So, if you are a regular attender / participant / servant at Phos and you have a Business or a Service you'd like for others to know about this is your chance.  (or, if you'd just like to meet more people at Phos and have a time to see who does what then come on out.  Just let me know.)

Here's what to plan for and bring....
1.  Plan on having about 3 to 5 minutes to tell us about your business -- don't be shy, tell us!!
2.  Bring Business Cards or other promotional items to give away to those who are attending (I really won't know how many are gonna show up until we get together that morning , so use your best guess)
3.  This will not be promoted via email as I'm not encouraging this event to outside of those who regularly attend Phos.
4.  You are expected to attend the entire event -- not share then leave -- so that you can hear from all the other participants
5.  After the event I'm hoping that you will help your fellow business owners get the word out about what they do and offer
6.  You may consider special discounts and barter arrangements with fellow participants where that would be mutually beneficial

This is FREE for those who attend Phos regularly.  (we may do an event like this in the future which is more 'outreach' oriented, but this is really intended to say 'Thank-You' to those of you who are doing and supporting the mission of the Phos Community already.)

So, if you are a Realtor, Attorney, Accountant, Book-Keeper, Sales Rep, Own a Business Service Company, offer Guitar/Piano Lessons, Yard Work, Home Repair, Adult Day Care, Physical Therapy, Chiropractor, etc this is YOUR chance to share what you do.  The amount of time you will have to share will depend on the # of participants.  

Mark the date of May 15 from 9 to 11 AM on your calendar and come ready to tell us all about your business.  

Looking forward to learning what's going on.

I need you to RSVP to me ASAP so that we can plan appropriately.

Thanks.  Here's to your ongoing Success!!

Posted via email from Phos News

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Check out the renovations at

There are a lot of fantastic things going on behind the scenes at Phos and one of those has been a renovation of the website into the site where you'll have a much easier time navigating and learning more.  Thanks to Mike Arvin, Tim Gooch, Meredith Lewis, and Laura Cochran for re-invigorating this important communication 'front door' for Phos Church.  Check it out!

Posted via email from Phos News

It's MOTHER'S Day at Phos Church this Sunday May 9 10 AM at OCHS

Before we get into the news about Mother's Day at Phos I wanted to encourage you to check out the Phos News Blog  because it has a prayer update about Robbie Mueller and his son, Tyler.  There's also new info about the Mission Trip to Estill County (M3D) coming up at the end of May -- sure hope you'll learn more and consider going!  And, there's a lot more out there about teens, children events, etc.

Here's the scoop for worship this Sunday, May 9 with Phos Church....



For more info about Phos Church visit 

10 AM: WORSHIP EXPERIENCE  On Sunday join us at 10:00 AM 
for a worship service at OCHS.  This week we wil be celebrating Mothers Day by talking about the power of a praying mom.  We will also be celebrating with a baby dedication.  If you have a child you are interested in having dedicated please email

9:15 AM: THE PHOS CAFE (Just inside the main doors) will be open for you to grab breakfast and information 
about PH while meeting some new friends.  



(Ages 4 & under) Our team offers quality care from 9:30 a.m. to the end of the main worship experience every Sunday.  
During this time children ages 2 & 3 will participate in their own small group time.

9:30 AM (Ages 4 - 5th grade) join other children at the check-in table in the Cafe for some                                                  fun activities and to make some great friends.  

10:00 AM:(Ages 3 - 5th grade) join your parents for the first part of the main worship experience.  Midway through the service, you will be dismissed for a time of worship designed just for you.

QUESTIONS?: Check out the children’s sign-in table in the Cafe or                                                                                      email Laura Cochran at


• online (
• through email (
• by calling us (408-4731)

To follow us on Twitter visit: 

Hope to see you this Sunday! 

Posted via email from Phos News

The ESTILL County 'M3D' Mission Trip is coming up soon....PLEASE JOIN US....

I want you to grow into the Full-On Child of God/Christ Follower you were designed to be and I know that there are 3 things that will accelerate your growth ....
1.  Giving -- which we talked a lot about lately and I'm excited to see many of you stepping up BIG here to grow stronger in your faith. Learning to trust God with your money is the beginning of learning to trust Him with your entire life.  It grows faith!  And, it takes faith to live at the level you want to live at with God.  Full-On Faith!! 
2.  Grouping UP -- getting together with other believers for the purpose of encouraging one another to GROW BIG--and to do life together in good times and bad.  We grow better when we're in group!  If you're not in a group yet and would like to know more please let me know.
3.  GO-ING to serve others in the name of Jesus -- that's why I'm so pumped that over 100 of us are already on board to head to Estill County and there's still room for YOU and your family.  GO-ING will help you GROW STRONGER and GET BIGGER in your relationship to God and others FAST!  It's 'Miracle Grow' for your faith.  Learn more here.  I really want you to join us for this experience!  PLEASE?!!?  To ask more questions or to sign up send Meredith an email.

Posted via email from Phos News

Robbie Mueller on the road with a tough challenge ahead ... PRAY NOW for Robbie and his son, Tyler ....

Just got a call from Robbie Mueller and he's headed to Somerset to pick his son, Tyler, up and take him back to the U.K. Med Center in Lexington.  Tyler has some troubling symptoms related to a spot on his brain.  As you can imagine, this is a tough/scary journey for Robbie and for Tyler.  Please pray for comfort, healing, the right doctors and medical staff to attend to Tyler and for Robbie & Mary to have stamina, courage, peace and even the joy of God's presence in these hours and days ahead.  

If you have Robbie's cell a quick text to him would mean a ton.  Or, better yet, pick up the phone and call him and let him know that you are taking the journey with him through prayer and then check on him in the days ahead.  Or, send an email.  And, of course, touch base with Mary as well.  Let's BE THE BODY OF CHRIST....


Posted via email from Phos News

Sunday, May 2, 2010