Friday, December 31, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Long Range Weather Forecasting that may actually be on target ...
Too early to tell if I'm ready to fully endorse Piers Corbyn and the folks for their long range weather forecasting based on the Solar action of the Sun, but it sure is interesting to study a bit more. I think these guys make a lot more sense than the Global Warming Tribe.
Indoor Training today...
Finally had to get over pouting about moving indoor for most of my winter training and hit it hard this morning.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Kaleb gets a double visit tonight...
The Tooth Fairy AND Santa on Christmas Eve! Merry Christmas from Kaleb! [and the rest of us, too ! ]
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
What would 3 Wise Women have done?
Saw this on a T Shirt today. Julie thought it was true! I'm in the middle of preparing the message for this Sunday about The Magi so this shirt caught my attention! Merry Christmas
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
It won't cost a dime to read 'The Case for Christmas' this Christmas!
In preparing for the message this week I just read 'The Case for Christmas' by Lee Strobel.
For those of us who have ever wondered who that baby in the manger on that first Christmas really was this would be a great Christmas read. It's a short book loaded with lots of insights. I was able to download an electronic version of the book onto my free 'Kindle' App on the IPhone and also onto the free Kindle reader app on my Mac. So, free software and a free download of a great book that will grow your faith and challenge your 'unbelief' make a pretty good Christmas present.
Merry Christmas!
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Words to wonder about today....
Sometimes I read articles that cause me to re-think where we are and what's happening in the world and what may be next -- good and bad stuff just like there was on the very first Christmas.
Just read an article in today's New York times titled, "Hackers Attack Sites Considered Wikileaks Foes -- Calls for a Cyber War" and it was loaded with new-er words that that make me wonder. Here are a few: cyber war, Internet activists, cyber anarchists, Anonymous (a loosely associated group of activist computer hackers who wishes to remain 'anonymous' I suppose...).
One quote from an avowed Cyber Anarchist is worth thinking about: "The war is on. And everyone ought to spend some time thinking about it, discussing it with others, preparing yourselves so you know how to act is something compells you to make a decision. Be very careful not to err on the side of inaction."
The God I Want!
There was a book written some years ago with the title The God I Want. If ever there were a recipe for idolatry, that is it. The God of the Bible is not necessarily the God I want: my confused desires almost certainly don't fit in with who he actually is, and just as well. What matters much more is the God who actually made me, the God with whom (whether I want to or not) I have to do business. And he is so much bigger and greater than anything that I could imagine that I must never imagine I have got him tied down and pigeonholed. We need to be constantly looking harder at the God of the Bible. Otherwise we shall discover that gradually the picture we have of him gets domesticated, whittled down to something we can live with. And gods that we live with comfortably are idols.
From N.T. Wright's book 'Small Faith-Great God' page 28
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Hoping my buddy Worth is gonna be okay...
Watching UK whoop up on UNC and I sure hope that Worth Watson doesn't
harbor any bad feelings after the game today!
harbor any bad feelings after the game today!
Friday, December 3, 2010
Pray if you want to!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Art as Spiritual Technology
Just had an interesting conversation with a chance acquaintance who'se overall theme was that art, especially, film is meant to be a channel for the divine. I agree that Art Should Point us God-ward. The question is, which 'god'? The challenge of 2010 and beyond is how Christ followers can bring art to life that points people to THE One True God -- Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Maybe this challenge has your name on it....
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