For many in the Christian world today is beginning of 'Lent' and is known as 'Ash Wednesday' ... I think Wikipedia does a pretty good job of laying out the history of both so I'll trust that you can follow the links provided to learn more if you want / need to. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of a season or reflection & contemplation & repentance as Christians all over the world are reminded again of the power of Christ displayed on that first Easter. Here's the crux of Lent and Ash Wednesday ... 'repent' from your sins and give something up to contemplate Christ's work on the Cross & Resurrection as Easter approaches. I'm wondering would you be willing to repent from today? Would you be willing to give something up in order to have more time & energy to focus on what Jesus has done for you in the days ahead?
If you are willing I'd suggest one of the following ideas as ways to go further with Christ in the days ahead...
1. If you're on the MONVEE journey with us dig into your RoadMap and give us 'something' like a favorite show to have more time to contemplate Christ via the MONVEE RoadMap activities you've set up. [all Phos Church attenders are welcomed on the MONVEE journey & you can contact
Len Jaggers to learn how to get started. ]
2. If you don't want to participate in the MONVEE journey right now that's okay (or if you are not a part of the Phos Church family) ... what about committing to praying the Lord's Prayer daily like we discussed last Sunday at Phos and then committing to Reading the Gospel of Luke contemplatively in the days between now and Easter? If you really want to reap the benefits I'd suggest you keep a journal of what you experience as you dig into the story of Jesus. A journal can be as simple as writing your prayers and your impressions about the Scriptures that you're reading on any given day. Again, ramping up to do the reading and possibly journaling will 'cost' you something that you give up for Lent. What will you give up? What activity will you let go of between now and Easter to give you more time with Christ?
So, when you see someone with an 'Ash Cross' on their forehead today you'll know what it means and perhaps you'll choose to repent of being too busy to enjoy time with Christ in the days ahead.
Posted via email from Jeff Fuson