Saturday, April 30, 2011
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Phos Church is Getting a NEW Venue to Work From .... Join us this Easter at 10 AM at OCHS to learn more ....
Wednesday Morning, April 20, 2011
Dear Friends,
When God chooses to move in a big way there’s just no stopping Him and that’s where Phos finds herself these days -- smack-dab in the middle of a move of God.
When we launched Phos back in early 2008, we truly believed that we could/would be a mobile congregation always. But, 38 months of trailers and generators, snow and blazing heat, and set up and tear down week after week causes us to think that there may be a better way forward after all! Most of all, our incredibly dedicated team has realized that we could make better use of all that energy used in set up and tear down to ‘Grow Big People’ more effectively.
As you might recall, we met for a little over a year at Tinseltown Movie Theaters and now have been pretty consistently at Oldham County High School for about two years coming up in June. Of course, you’ll remember some cool venues like Waterfront Park, a fire station and a Planetarium. Over the past 18 months, we have diligently scoured our community from Westport Road to LaGrange to Goshen to Brownsboro to Crestwood looking for where we might go next. However, after looking at well over 30 possible solutions we were still at a dead end for a viable next step venue. We’ve been pushing on the rock but it just wasn’t moving.
Back on March 22, we got word from OCHS that they do not want to renew our contract beyond the end of June 2011. The rock was wedged squarely in the path of our future and we just couldn’t move it.
On the morning of March 23, the pastor of a local church [E320 Church which was formerly Centerfield Church] -- about 2 miles from our present venue -- called and asked if we were still looking for a new venue. The rock was starting to move...
Our leadership team has prayed about the possibility and we’ve agreed to energetically pursue this ‘ready to move in’ property as the next venue for Phos Church. So, on Sunday, April 17, we finalized an offer to purchase 10 acres with a ‘ready-to-move-in’ 10,800 square feet building. It is truly a rock that only God could move and we are excited to watch Him work among us.
We’d like to invite you to worship with us on Easter Sunday at OCHS at 10 AM. To conclude our experience, we’ll have a baptism at the new property and, weather permitting, we’ll have our ‘1,000 Easter Egg Hunt’ on the 10 acres at the new place.
Most of all, in Easter worship with Phos, you’ll hear the story of the God who moves the rocks that hold us back. He raises the dead and rolls the stone away. He’s the God of all time and most of all, He’s the God of that first Easter who sent His angel to roll the stone away and who sent Jesus to be our Lord -- an overcoming Saviour who overcame the ultimate obstacles of sin & death for all who take Him as Lord and Saviour.
So, come and experience the power of God on the move in your life and come see the possibilities that the new property opens up for Phos Church in the years ahead.
If you’ve ever wanted to be in on what God is up to, then now is your time to get on-board and hold on tight!
Jeff Fuson
Lead Follower
Phos Church
p.s. Remember we’ll gather at OCHS at 10 AM for worship and then move over to the new property for a Baptism and Easter Egg Hunt [weather permitting].
p.p.s. The new property is just one minute south of Exit 18 off of I-71 at 4200 Centerfield Drive.
p.p.p.s. Prayerfully consider how God wants you to get in on what He’s up to as He moves the rock that’s been in our path.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
How God Develops Our Faith
4/5/11 12:00 PM Develop your faith by understanding the six ways God uses faith to grow abundance in your life. Here they are |
Friday, April 1, 2011
Where Faith Grows. Don't you wanna live this way?
Faith does not grow in the soil of the familiar and safe.
Faith grows ‘out there’ where the wild things are.
Faith is smothered to death by your need for certainty and control.
Faith grows when the odds are stacked against you and somehow you still win.
Faith grows when you cannot imagine how you’ll ever do it and then remember that you are a child of God and that He’s your Abba Daddy who desires to do abundantly more in you, for you and through you than you even dare ask.
Faith grows when you are in a little bitty boat a great big storm clinging to faith in a great big GOD.
Faith grows when you don’t see any way out of the mess you are in and then God clears a wide clear light strewn path and makes a way where there was none before.
Faith grows when the challenge you face is too big for you to overcome and God steps in and simply rolls the stone away.
Faith grows when you quit trying to run the universe.
Faith grows when you quit living only by what you can measure, plan and control.
Faith grows when the only answer and your only prayer is God Himself.
Faith grows when you step into the unknown and take a God-sized risk on a God-sized dream.
Faith grows when you have enough faith to ‘go to a land that He will show you’ when He sends you on your way.
Faith grows when you 'cannot' and yet He 'can'!
Fear Not.
Praying that YOU step out into the great big unknown when God asks you to.
If you are facing a challenge that seems ‘impossible’ or ‘too big’ or ‘highly unlikely’ get excited because you are about to enter the Faith Zone. A zone where few dare to go and even fewer still will build a house ‘out there’ in the Faith Zone. But those who do are rewarded with the joys of seeing God do the ‘impossible’ and of seeing Him break through the walls of the improbable. And those who do are marked for God’s Hall of Fame of Faith.
It’s simply impossible to please God without faith.
True Christ followers walk by faith and not by sight.
Jeff Fuson