Thursday, February 28, 2013

Hollywood Couple Created 'The Bible' Mini-Series to 'Set the Record Straight' - ABC News

You’re invited to join us this March as the Bible will be brought to life in lessons and video clips from The History Channel’s mini-series ‘The Bible’. Our Sunday morning sermon series during March will coordinate with what you'll experience in 'The Bible' mini-series. We offer two identical services each Sunday morning at 9:30 and 11 AM.

In addition to Sunday morning services, Phos Church will be airing ‘The Bible’ in it’s entirety on Wednesday evenings in March at 6:30 PM at 4200 Centerfield Drive. We'll be set up with popcorn and sodas and will have pizza at 'intermission'. This is a great way to meet new friends, extend your relationships and learn more about 'The Bible'. We'll have childcare as well on site (the mini-series may be too graphic for young children). Please make plans to arrive by 6:15 PM to get your children squared away, grab some refreshments and get situated, the mini-series will start right at 6:30 PM in the Worship Center.  

We hope that you will connect with God and others through 'The Bible' mini-series at Phos Church. Click below to view the official trailer from The History Channel.

Hollywood Couple Created 'The Bible' Mini-series to 'Set the Record Straight' -- ABC News

 If I can help you in any way please just let me know.

 Jeff Fuson

Posted via email from Jeff Fuson

Monday, February 11, 2013

A More Meaningful Easter Season, Beginning Now

Friends, Easter comes early this year!  March 31!  

I sure hope that you are making plans to be a part of a very special Sunday Morning series in our run up to Easter beginning this Sunday at Phos Community Church.  [ 9:30 and 11 AM on Sundays at the Phos Base Camp over at 4200 Centerfield Drive in Crestwood, Kentucky 40014 ]

But, even more than that, I hope that you are making space in your life to connect with God one on one!

Our Catholic Church friends established a focused season to prepare for the full impact and meaning of Easter called 'Lent' and it starts in just a few days.  Giving something like a particular television show up 'for Lent' may give you a little more space to connect with God in a more meaningful way during the next month and half.   I'm not suggesting that you have to dig into all that Lent traditional entails, but as always I hope you are digging into your Bible and enjoying time with God on your own in addition to coming to 'worship' at 'big church', etc.  It's vital for your success as a Christ follower to carve out time to just listen to God and be fully there in that relationship.  So, here's a few resources from YouVersion, my favorite Bible App, that you may find helpful in establishing a rhythm of enjoying time with God.  

This email also mentions the History Channel series, "The Bible", that is cranking up on March 3.  Phos Church friends will be hearing a lot more about that in the weeks ahead and how we will use that as a tool to build community and reach new friends who don't presently have a church home.


p.s.  Pray for our Catholic brothers and sisters as I'm sure they are wondering what this time of transition between Popes will mean for their faith communities.  First time in 600 years that a Pope has resigned.  However, I fully respect his decision to move on so that the post can be filled by someone with more energy for the immense tasks at hand.  

Prepare your heart for Easter with a special YouVersion Reading Plan.

Intentional Preparation for Easter

People around the world will celebrate Jesus’ resurrection on Sunday, March 31. In the weeks leading up to Easter, many individuals put intentional practices in place to focus on the nature and meaning of Christ’s sacrifice. This year Lent begins on Wednesday, February 13.

Please consider joining the YouVersion community in preparing your heart with one of the following Reading Plans, each one designed specifically for this season:

Bringing the Bible to Life

As we study Jesus’ life and his sacrifice for us, it helps to understand the context of his time on earth. The Bible is a five-part series from Executive Producers Roma Downey and Mark Burnett that breathes life into tales of faith and courage from Genesis through Revelation. We've been chosen as the official Bible App for the series, and very soon you'll be able to watch video content right in the Bible App. The Bible series begins 3-3-13; check your local TV listings for times.

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Posted via email from Jeff Fuson

Saturday, February 2, 2013

02 03 13 … You are a Handcrafted Original - Join us for Worship this Sunday 02 03 13 at 9:30 or 11 for a very special experience

We all have uniquenesses and quirks that make us perfectly suited for His purposes.   Join us for worship and dive deep into what it means to be 'handcrafted'.  
Join us for worship to get the full impact or check out the video of the message later in the week at


02 03 13 Handcrafted The Potter.pdf Download this file

Jeff Fuson

Journey + Adventure + Community = Phos Church

Posted via email from Jeff Fuson

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Better said this way ...

Submission to His mission is the key to unlocking your mission.

Posted via email from Jeff Fuson

Finding His Will for Your Life Begins Here:

Sub-mitting your mission to His mission is the key to discovering your mission. Study Proverbs 3:5-6.

Posted via email from Jeff Fuson

Thanks Rick!!! Wow, today was powerful....

Just got to spend the day with one of the greatest men I know, Rick Howerton. He gave me some fantastic ideas on how we can take people to the next level in their relationship with Jesus. He's a fantastic coach for me and his work in my life will overflow into many others. Reminds me of the power of having an 'A Team' [ aka, Personal Board of Directors' ] around me all the time to mentor me and help me grow. It's also known as 'Discipleship' and it's the path to grow as a Christ follower. Excited about the road ahead with Phos Community Church learning how to build disciples one person at a time.

Jeff Fuson

Posted via email from Jeff Fuson

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Our Mission: The Phos Community Church Score Card

Just thought I'd send you this photo reminder about why we do what we do at Phos Community Church. This is taped on the wall of my study so as I prepare messages, work with key leaders to plan mission engagements and other worship experiences I think about this scorecard. You can 'get this' if you'll think in terms of helping people grow up to become vibrant reproducing children of our great Father-God-King. Remember Jesus stating that his mission was to set the captives free and proclaim the year of the Lord's favor. That's our rescue mission, too.

Also remember Jesus commission to His followers to GO and make disciples and to teach them everything Jesus said and then to baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. [ Matthew 28:20 ]

The mission of the church is to be in 'sub-mission' to His mission as His body in motion here on earth.


A few other definitions may help:

POWs and MIAs are those who are being held by our arch enemy or who may have chosen to live away from a relationship with Jesus.

To be clear we wanted to launch a church that un-churched people would find inviting and beneficial. We still work hard to do that! That's our primary mission. The church is the only social organization that exists for the benefit of those we haven't met yet!

To get 'BIG' is to enjoy all the features and benefits and rights and responsibilities you have as a Dearly Loved Child Of God.

GOING TOGETHER is a core key value for us because we know that when you Go that you'll grow! We believe to follow Jesus is to go and do with your hands and feet. We aren't content to let you spectate - we want you to participate. We want to see you follow Jesus in a way that gets your hands and feet going along with your head and heart. I'd add one more aspect if I was revising the score card and that would be 'Mission at One Degree' or M1D. It's the idea that whenever you live, work and breathe is your primary place to be on Mission with God as His Ambassador. Dive Deeper Into the Adventure Ahead with us at Phos Community Church.

Jeff Fuson

Posted via email from Jeff Fuson

Friday, January 18, 2013

The Nehemiah Pattern -- Finding in Doing the Will of God When there are NO Angels, No burning bushes, And, no Pressing Reason to Leave your Comfort Bubble!

Most of us struggle to find and do the will of God because we are waiting for magic sky writing by jumbo jets or sea turtles carving messages from God into the sand on the seashore. But, for most of us we never get those BIG signs. Most of us get hunches and notions and whispers at best. And, Nehemiah had pain & prayers & a post that providentially propelled him into the center of God's Plan. For most of us the Nehemiah Pattern is how God will work with us.
Study this pattern and you'll begin to learn a ton! Be sure to work through the questions that are at the end of the slide set and if you do you just may get the BIG WORD from God that you've been hoping would fall out of your next fortune cookie! Also, be sure to check out the sermon that will be posted over at in a few days because I'll break the whole thing down in a way that will be even more beneficial.


jeff Fuson

01 20 13 My Mission & The Nehemiah Pattern.pdf Download this file

Posted via email from Jeff Fuson

Monday, January 14, 2013

Fit Friends -- or at least friends who wanna become more FIT -- I just posted some vital new info for you...

If you made a new year's resolution to do something about your fitness or health then this is information & motivation you can use.  Hope it's helpful to you.

Jeff Fuson

Journey + Adventure + Community = Phos Church

Posted via email from Jeff Fuson

Friday, January 11, 2013

01 13 13 My Fitness Sermon Note Set

This is gonna be a fantastic message for everyone who's working up the motivation to take their fitness up a notch this year.  I'll be doing some demonstrations from the platform that you'll really need to experience live to get the most benefit.  So, I hope you'll make it a priority to be with us for the live worship experience this Sunday, January 13, 2013 at 9:30 or 11:00 AM [ details can be found here: ]

Amp your fitness in 2013!


01 13 13 Sermon Keynote on My Fitness : Fit for the KING.pdf Download this file

Posted via email from Jeff Fuson

Friday, January 4, 2013

01 06 13 "My Time" Finding & Doing the Will of God / YOU 2.013 -- Sermon Slide PDF

01 06 12 My Time YOU 2.013 Series.pdf Download this file

Jeff Fuson

Journey + Adventure + Community = Phos Church

Posted via email from Jeff Fuson

Under-focus Leads to Over-Work

When we know exactly where we are going and exactly the type of person we want to become we can relax and enjoy the journey. When we are fuzzy or under-focused related to our purpose on this planet then we will over-work and expend ourselves in way too many directions to make a difference. A little more work on who we want to be and become and a little less spinning of the wheels will go a long way for you in 2013. Rick Warren says that if you want your life to have meaning then focus it like a laser.

Posted via email from Jeff Fuson

What to Wear on Winter Bike Ride

This is my 'kit' for Winter Riding at about 35 Degrees Farenheit

If you wanna do some winter riding here's the cost effective set-up I use.

The shoes, gloves and helmet are pretty well standard gear.

I wore two layers on my legs and two layers under my shoes.  I wore three layers up top and I wore a head sweats cap and wrap around ear muffs under my helmet.  I also wore yellow lens glasses to increase my ability to see in low light situations since I was riding near dusk.  

For my legs I chose to overdress just a bit so that my knees would stay relatively warm.  This is because knees have poor circulation to begin with and yet I'm asking a lot from them on a ride, so a little extra protection from the wind helps get their temp up a bit and increases blood flow rather than shutting it down in extreme cold conditions.  So, I wore a pair of riding shorts with leg warmers and riding socks covered with riding 'boots' under my shoes.  I also wore another black base layer that would normally be worn under jeans as the top layer over the riding shorts & leg warmers.  This set up worked well and I was never over-heated although before I took off I wondered....  The nice thing about the leg warmers is that they are relatively easy to remove and pack away if you have an expandable seat bag or equivalent.  

Up top I wore a thin base layer covered by a little thicker Costco brand base layer under a highly reflective Pearl Izumi wind jacket.  

I'm sure that I was totally non-aero and I certainly wasn't riding for speed today.  Just the joy of being out and enjoying the crisp cold air and being alive!  

BTW, you'll notice my bottles and couple of drink mixes that I'm using.  The first is a Sustain Sports Drink mix that tastes great and delivers a fast acting wallop of minerals to prevent cramping and keep me riding strong.  The other mix is called 'Activate C' and is a Vitamin C booster to help my body fight off the 'bugs' of winter that come calling, especially when you expose yourself to extreme conditions.  Both of these are available from my fantastic wife, Julie.  Drop me an email if you wanna know more about Sustain or Activate C.

I just enjoy being OUTSIDE on the bike a ton more than being indoors on the trainer or on a spinner at the Y.  I'm not against those things at all and I'll be doing some of both in the weeks ahead when it's below freezing or when there is ice on the roads.  

Hope this gives you some ideas of how to dress and fuel to enjoy winter riding!


Riding with Frosty!

Baby, It's COLD outside!  BUT, I had a great time just being out for a little with Frosty.