Monday, November 29, 2010

Voyage of the Dawn Treader is COMING December 10 ....

The 'Voyage of the Dawn Treader' sets sail from a theater near you on the weekend of December 10.

I saw a preview showing of 'The Voyage of the Dawn Treader' , based on the C.S. Lewis fantasy book of the same name, a few weeks back and it's truly fantastic.  Opening weekend is the most important time to 'cast your vote' for this sort of family friendly film so I hope you'll give your family a real Christmas treat and take them to see Voyage of the Dawn Treader when it comes out in just a few days.  

By the way, anything by C.S. Lewis would be great reading this Christmas season, but especially, the Chronicles of Narnia which Lifeway Christian Bookstores had on sale for $1.99 this past weekend.  (maybe it's still on sale?)

Posted via email from Jeff Fuson

Where Good Ideas Come From

I just watched this video by Steve Johnson and not only do I love the 'drawing/video' but the content is spot on.  Enjoy.

Jeff Fuson -Point Leader of Phos Church near Louisville Kentucky -Leadership Keynote Speaker -Husband / Daddy -Missional Church Planter

Friday, November 19, 2010

He Will Reign Forever and Ever ... Even in Macy's !!

WOW, what a reminder that God is on the move everywhere.although a church didn't organize this spectacular reminder  of God's presence it's one more example that God IS -- everywhere, all the time -- and that HE IS ON THE MOVE calling all people to a relationship through the powerful work of His Son, Jesus Christ. Who, by the way, is the one who will reign forever and ever.
This will get you ready for the upcoming Advent Season for sure.
Read this and enjoy this video. Made me smile all the way to the core!
Jeff Fuson
________ Begin Forwarded Message________________
The largest functioning pipe organ in the world is located (of all places!) in the Macy's department store in downtown Philadelphia.  
The organ is played daily at noon while shoppers visit the store, as well as for many after-hours special events and concerts.
Just last Saturday, 10/30/2010, one such special event "happened."  While the store was filled with ordinary shoppers, more than 600 "shoppers" burst into a full chorus of the "Hallelujah Chorus" from  Handel's "Messiah." The "happening" event was staged by the  Philadelphia Opera Company and engaged volunteers from just about  every school, church and singing group in the city. This little 5-minute clip really deserves a look and listen, in my opinion.
The organ is known around the world as the "Wanamaker Organ" because John Wanamaker installed this 28,500+ pipe instrument in the "Grand Hall" at the center of his 7-story department store.  
The cross-shaped store opened in 1909 and fills a city block. The entire top floor is set up as a pipe organ maintenance and repair shop and once engaged 40 employees to expand and maintain the instrument.  Obviously, my own enthusiasm for pipe organs pales incomparison to that of John Wanamaker!
Why doesn't this make the news?
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the places and moments that take our breath away."
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Jeff Fuson

Phos Church [it means 'light']
The Church for People who Don't Go to Church

twitter @ jefffuson

Posted via email from Jeff Fuson


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Posted via email from Jeff Fuson

Monday, November 8, 2010

A Case of Miller High Life and Working 12 Hour Days then get up and do it all over again!

Just dropped off something to be worked on at a local business and got to hear the 'behind the scenes life' of the owner in these tough economic times. 

Not so long ago he was paying monthyly sales tax of $25,000, currently just $2,500 -- that's off pace by 90%!  He told about so many that owe him lots of dollars and the squeeze play he's in between the bank and his suppliers and keeping the doors open to supply the needs of the general public. 

His coping mechanism is do drink from 4:30 ('beer-thirty' he quipped in the store to another customer) until he passes out at 9:30 and then get up and try to have a good attitude and tackle it all again.  This is the story of so many of our friends and family these days. 

So, here's the question I'm rolling around in my head .... What 'Good News' and hope can I offer this friend.   How can I encourage him and help him through.  Where does this 'Good News' that I carry in my heart impact this situation?  How would you respond?  How would you bring hope to this seeminly hopeless businessman about to go under for the last time barring a HUGE miracle?

Let me know what you think.

Jeff Fuson -Point Leader of Phos Church near Louisville Kentucky -Leadership Keynote Speaker -Husband / Daddy -Missional Church Planter

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

How to 'HEAR God' -- it's possible and it's vital!

I just posted this same info on our Church Blog at PhosNews and wanted to have it over here as well.  Enjoy.


How do you REALLY 'HEAR' God?

Since you're reading this chances are you are interested in knowing how to really know what God wants you to do.  More specifically you'd like to know how to tune into what God is saying.  Even more specific than that you'd like to be certain that it really is God speaking and not the Ghost of Too Much Pizza Past Creating Blurry Visions.  

The question came up in our Group this evening, "how do I know it's God's voice and it's not just me talking to myself?"  An honest, hard-hitting question that we long to have an answer for because we long to know what God wants and we long to do it!  

The answer is that we must cultivate an ongoing conversational relationship with God where we practice hearing from Him in the Bible, in the experiences of life, in the remarks of a friend, etc.  Without a vibrant relationship we'll struggle to know anything with enough clarity to take action.  But, how do we develop that sort of conversational relationship?

I pulled a book from my personal library this evening to be reminded of how to cultivate this ongoing conversational relationship and how to hear God in hopes that I could pass along a nugget or two to you.  But, as I reopened this book I realized the best thing I could do for you is to encourage you to grab a copy and read it!  

"Hearing God" by Dallas Willard is a fantastic, comprehensive work on how to know God better and it zeroes in on 'developing a conversational relationship with God'.  

I believe that's possible to grow in our ongoing conversational ability with God because it's happening in my life.  No, I don't hear an audible voice, but I do have an ongoing expanding awareness of God and His general & specific will for my life and for the team that I lead.   I hope the same for you.  "Hearing God" was one of the pivotal reads in helping me cultivate my relationship with God and strengthen my understanding of how He communicates with us.  

Here's to more of us 'Hearing God'!  

Are you cultivating time & space in your life to shut out the 'noise' of life and just sit and listen for the voice of God?  How could you pull that off for a few minutes today?  

I hope you'll grab this book if you're ready to go further in your conversation with God.


Jeff Fuson -Point Leader of Phos Church near Louisville Kentucky -Leadership Keynote Speaker -Husband / Daddy -Missional Church Planter

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

KDKA Does the First Ever Commercial Radio Broadcast 90 Years Ago Today!

So what?

Read this and then just imagine how far communication has come since 1920.

Then try to imagine how the world will advance and change over the rest of your lifetime!

Let's Sail with the Holy Spirit in our Sails, with Jesus as our Skipper and God as our Provider into an incredible future loaded with all kinds of new possibilities.

Go VOTE today!


Jeff Fuson -Point Leader of Phos Church near Louisville Kentucky -Leadership Keynote Speaker -Husband / Daddy -Missional Church Planter