Finding God's will is THE # 1 JOB for most of us at some points along the journey of life.
I think you'll find this simple presentation full of Biblically based wisdom for discovering God's will for your life.
Jeff Fuson
Jeff Fuson serves as Point Leader for Phos Hilaron Church near Louisville Kentucky. Jeff's # 1 passion is being a husband and daddy. A close second is seeing people grow spiritually. As a Professional Speaker Jeff also serves as a Keynote Speaker & Trainer crafting & delivering high impact keynote addresses & training events for Entrepreneurs, Banks, Credit Unions, and small to medium sized non-profit & for profit enterprises. He's got one incredible wife and 3 awesome children.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Friday, August 15, 2008
Brain Training & 'The Great Ones' like Michael Phelps
Michael Phelps won his sixth gold medal in the 2008 Beijing Olympics today. It’s a physical feat to be sure but it may be even more of a ‘mental tour de force’. Great athletes like Phelps, Michael Jordan, and Tiger Woods seem to rise to the challenge and they savour not just beating you physically, but dominating you mentally. They ‘whip’ opponents with nerves of steel and uber-performance under the most demanding situations.
It’s got me wondering, what is it that makes Michael Phelps and other 'Great Ones' so mentally tough?
What makes it so that the more intense the pressure the more likely it is that they’ll squeeze out the sweet wine of victory?
Is it innate or can it be learned? Were they simply gifted by God not only physically, but mentally? Or, are we all created equal they’ve just had the right mental conditioning coaches surrounding them to make them especially tough competitors.
As a Christ follower I’m intrigued as one who has not been very mentally tough at times and have often caved under pressure because of mental lapses – either forgetting the ‘big dream’ that would discipline my practice & performance or simply having a ‘brain fart’ that causes me to lapse into under-performance. The ‘Great Ones’ seem to rise higher the more intense the pressure, where, in embarrassingly dark contrast, I have often caved as the pressure mounts. So, I wanna know what I can learn from the ‘Great Ones’ about how to rise with the pressure – about how to get better the tougher it gets. I want to know how to max out success when the going gets tough. And, then more than just ‘knowing’ with my head I want to accomplish more with my actions via my head, heart & body. I want to rise with the ‘Great Ones’ of the faith like Paul, Peter, David, Enoch, and even, THE GREAT ONE—Jesus, the Christ!
If I can find some of the common denominators among ‘The Great Ones’ then perhaps I can emulate their success. Perhaps I can rise higher as the pressure builds and the heat rises…
So, I’m on a quest as I watch the 2008 Olympians—especially Michael Phelps. My quest, to become more like the ‘great ones.’
I’m pretty sure that most of us ‘mere mortals' have similar wishes as we watch ‘The Great Ones’ – we hope to rise higher in the future as we face the challenges of life.
We hope that when the boss offers us a chance for a new, more demanding position that we can rise to meet the challenge.
We pray that when the ‘Big Test Day’ comes that our heads will clear and we’ll see clearly which answer is the right one and we’ll ace that test and bag the prize.
We wonder if we can stand the pressure of mounting bills, rising energy costs, and larger grocery bills and wonder if we can rise to the challenge of simply paying the bills and keeping our homes.
We may struggle with an area of life that seems to strip us of the title of ‘Christ follower’ over and over again and wonder if we can ever take the gold in the struggle against a familiar sin-filled pattern that taunts us from atop the ‘winner’s podium’.
We may simply be trying to make life work and wonder if we’ll ever win. We wonder if we were simply born to lose, while ‘The Great Ones’ were simply born to win. We wonder if there’s some magic way to pray or some passage of Scripture committed to memory that would secure the victory.
From a pure genetic code/DNA standpoint we are separated from other humans by the tiniest of code changes. To the untrained observer the code changes might seem so tiny that we have a hard time justifying the variations in human performance. In our pure potential most of us are over 99% alike, but in our performance we are separated by the distance between a Gold Medallion wearer and a person who can’t swim at all. So, what gives…why the performance gap?
I believe that all of life is ‘spiritual’ and therefore, all success & failure have their origins in the spiritual (unseen) realm. Even more unseen that slight code changes in the molecules that comprise our DNA is the Spiritual Life Force granted to us by God. But, it’s this invisible force that allows some to rise while others fail. This ‘spiritual difference’ makes all the difference in the world.
And, now Spirituality is a matter of the heart – the ‘control center’ for our behavior. But, as humans, our hearts & our ‘heads’ (more specifically—our brains) are linked through a super-highway of spiritual connectedness. And, so the question becomes which is more important for a Christ follower to become one of the ‘Great Ones’? Does it begin with the heart or the head? How can we condition ourselves spiritually to be one of the ‘Great Ones’? It's both -- the heart & head in conjunction that connect with God so that we can also become a 'Great One'.
Let me start with Theology 101 to help answer the question and it begins way back in the early chapters of Genesis where God is established as the ‘SOURCE’ of life – all things were made by Him and nothing that was made was made without him. All of life finds its origin and sustenance in the will & breath of God. So, to begin our quest is to roll the clock back and return to our ‘source’ of life—to acknowledge that who we are is a gift from Him. It is He who made us and not we ourselves.
The second bit of theology to know is that ‘every good and perfect gift’ comes from above – from God. To know at a deep level that what we have is ‘given’ and not earned is the beginning of letting ourselves be loved as broken ones -- underachievers in the grand scheme of things, but loved wildly and with reckless abandon by the designer/Creator God.
Now, we can relax and know that it’s not just about our ‘performance’ and that we are not only loved because we ‘perform well’ but because we are ‘created ones’ born with a dream wired into us from the heart of God Himself. Now we can draw courage to live out of our best gifts and highest dreams and play with our whole hearts – knowing that we’re loved no matter what – Gold, Silver, Bronze or even failing to finish. The pressure is ‘off’ when we know that no matter what we’re still gonna be okay and we’re still gonna be loved in a magnificent way. Knowing that the sun will still rise and laughter will return no matter what -- we can face the challenge ahead with our pulse clicking along smoothly and our efforts put forth in a relaxed, yet impassioned, manner so as to win the prize, but not like ones racing alone, but like ones powered through the wake from the invisible gravitational forces of God Himself. So, as we realize that source & provision is LOVE – and remember that God IS ‘LOVE’—we can keep our hearts calmed down to compete under pressure that would squash those trying to race alone.
The ‘Great Ones’ have their brains filled to the overflow with ‘proper thinking’ and ‘visualization’ about the race set before them. They have practiced the race so many times that their bodies know what to do instinctively—they have learned with their whole body –not just with their head—what it takes to race their best race. They have marinated their minds and basted their brains with images of perfect races swam and flawless performances given. They have trained their brains by marinating them with visions, practice sessions, ‘game film’, proper coaching, and proper self-talk. They have ‘programmed’ their brain to win and to override the whining of their body so they can push past normal human quitting points—they press on to win the prize when others would quit.
They are mentally tough because they are spiritually conditioned.
I think the ‘great ones’ know the secret of ‘The Kabob’!
A great kabob has meat that has been been grilled to perfection – it outperforms other delicacies. But, it’s not just the ‘grilling’ when the heat rises and the ‘great ones’ rise to meet the challenge –it’s what happens to the meat prior to the grilling that prepares it for the heat. It’s the marinating of the meat – the soaking in spicy, savory seasonings that tenderizes it and allows it to grill up so good!
It’s what happens before the grill is ever turned on that makes a great kabob. It’s the succulent seasonings that fill the meat with juicy success that allows it to stand on the top tier of success.
It’s the ‘marinade’ AND time in the sauce that prepares the meat to meet the test of the flame and so it is with ‘The Great Ones’ – athletes and Christ followers – it’s the marinade. It’s what they’re immersing their brain and heart in that makes em ready for the heat. It’s what allows them to squeeze out the sweet wine of victory when they are squeezed.
It’s a lot like what Jesus said to His follower in John 15 about ‘abiding’ in HIM so that they could bear much fruit – aka, ‘WIN the GOLD’! (which, by the way, He said, was God’s will for the ‘abider’!) Hang onto the vine because it is ‘source’ and ‘sustainer’ and ‘provider’ of the life giving marinade that produces the sweet wine of victory.
Marinading our brains in scripture can help us abide better. Scripture, when used as a way to connect with God intimately is a vital ingredient that leads to succulent success in producing great & abundant fruits of righteousness.
Scripture intake through Bible Study, memorization, small group sessions, and big box worship experiences is all good when it’s seen as a pathway to intimacy with God. It looses it’s marinating effect and ability to produce the wine of success when it is treated like a stand-alone religious effort where we’re trying to get God to love us more or trying to pry success from His hands by meeting some concocted ‘religious formula’.
So, with that said, let’s build a marinade that will soak your brain and marinade your mind so that as the heat in your life rises you’ll rise to meet the challenge and the sweet wine of victory will flow through you to inspire those watching from the grand-stands of life.
The rule of using scripture properly in ‘brain training’ for a would be ‘High Performance Christ follower’ Is that it’s a tool to bring us into a full-on abiding abundant intimate connection with God. The moment the use of scripture misses the mark of moving us into intimacy with God we have lost it’s usefulness—the salt has lost it’s saltiness and becomes worthless at accomplishing it’s intended effect.
Psalm 119:11 sums it up – I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.
Let me rephrase this in the present context….”I have marinading my mind and soaked my heart in what you’ve spoken through scripture so that I can live in a full-on connection with you.’ And, it’s in this full-on scripture aided connectivity that we enjoy the fruits of a victorious ‘Great One’ in the Kingdom of God. We move to the medal podium most of the time, often taking the ‘gold’ in the events that God has called us to participate in, because we shift from being self-powered to being ‘God-Powered’, from being self-controlled to being under His Command. We move from powering up to produce victory to abiding so that the sweet wine of success flows from our efforts.
Marinading our minds in the Word of God can be done in a lot of ways…we can brush on the marinade by hearing the Word of God or we can inject the marinade deep into our minds by memorizing scripture. We can immerse our hearts in the word by deep personal Bible study and we can learn from others in the context of a Life Transformation Group. (aka, ‘small group’) All of these ways of marinading our minds can lead to increased intimacy with God that leads to an ‘abiding’ that produces incredible fruit in the life of a Christ follower.
So, today, I’m wondering if we could all agree to be a lot more like a great kabob and marinade our hearts & minds so that when the heat is on we’ll succeed in accomplishing the task. We’ll win the race, take the prize and stand on the medal podium time after time.
Very practically I’m suggesting that you try one of the following for the next 21 days…. (this is a copy of some coaching notes from one of the worship experiences at Phos Hilaron Church in July 2008 done as part of the High Performance Living Series so where it says things about a ‘Life Transformation Group, LXG, just replace that with ‘Small Group Leader’ or ‘Sunday School Teacher’ etc depending on your personal context). In light of the idea of ‘marinating our minds’ with Scripture I’d especially ask you to consider doing either #1 or 2 or even both would be great.
10 Training Tools that will propel you toward your Spiritual Life Dream:
1. Audio Bible = download or purchase an ‘Illustrated’ Audio Bible – one that has cool sound effects and great narration and listen for at least 20 minutes a day.
2. Memorize the following 5 passages of Scripture from the book of Philippians: 1:6, 2:3-4, 2:5-11, 2:13-16, 3:10-14
3. Buy the new Chris Tomlin ‘Double Take’ CD and put it on your personal listening device and work out with that music 3 times a week.
4. Find a buddy and go do something fun, but take at least 30 minutes to discuss you spiritual life dreams & goals and then pray for each other.
5. Get with the Life Transformation Group leader from your Middle School Zone and discuss your spiritual life plan. (see Jeff for contact info about your leader)
6. Catch up with an old Spiritual Mentor and just chat about what you’re learning and ask them for what book they’d recommend you read or listen to—then do it!
7. Purchase ‘The Purpose Driven Life’ by Rick Warren and read a section a day.
8. Pick up a nice blank journal or keep a journal on your computer of your prayers and what God seems to be doing in relation to your prayers.
9. Notebook your way though a personal study of the Life of Jesus by ‘consuming ’ & ‘marinating your brain’ in the book of Mark.
10. Heavy Lifting = Read ‘Renovation of the Heart’ by Dallas Willard devotionally –that is, take it a bit at a time and make notes (journal/blog) about what you’re learning ‘OR’ do the same thing with a great book that’s not as tough by John Piper called ‘Desiring God’.
If you desire to be one of ‘The Great Ones’ with a fired up deeply intimate relationship with God who consistently rises to the challenge then I’d suggest you make like a good kabob and marinade your mind so you can produce the sweet wine of success when the heat is on! And, it won’t be the juice of memorized Bible verses that brings the wine of victory…rather it will be a by-product of scripture marination—the deep abiding presence of Christ Himself that produces the wine of victory!
You, too, can be one of the ‘Great Ones’ if you’ll marinade your mind as a tool for an abundant abiding relationship with God.
To learn more you might consider marinading your brain in John 15:1-8. In this powerful parable lies the crux of becoming a ‘world-class’ medal winner in the Olympics of Life.
Go baste your brain!
Jeff Fuson
p.s. I owe a debt of gratitude to David Nasser who I heard speak about the concept of ‘marination’ when he was doing his ‘Call to Die’ tour about 8 years ago. He wrote a powerful book with 40 days of meditations called ‘A call to Die’ that can serve as a great training tool for those ready to marinade their minds on the path to producing the sweet wine of victory—the by-product of abiding…. I think you may have to order the book directly from him at
Jeff Fuson serves as Point Leader for Phos Hilaron Church near Louisville Kentucky. Jeff's # 1 passion is being a husband and daddy. A close second is seeing people grow spiritually. As a Professional Speaker Jeff also serves as a Keynote Speaker & Trainer crafting & delivering high impact keynote addresses & training events for Entrepreneurs, Banks, Credit Unions, and small to medium sized non-profit & for profit enterprises. He's got one incredible wife and 3 awesome children.
It’s got me wondering, what is it that makes Michael Phelps and other 'Great Ones' so mentally tough?
What makes it so that the more intense the pressure the more likely it is that they’ll squeeze out the sweet wine of victory?
Is it innate or can it be learned? Were they simply gifted by God not only physically, but mentally? Or, are we all created equal they’ve just had the right mental conditioning coaches surrounding them to make them especially tough competitors.
As a Christ follower I’m intrigued as one who has not been very mentally tough at times and have often caved under pressure because of mental lapses – either forgetting the ‘big dream’ that would discipline my practice & performance or simply having a ‘brain fart’ that causes me to lapse into under-performance. The ‘Great Ones’ seem to rise higher the more intense the pressure, where, in embarrassingly dark contrast, I have often caved as the pressure mounts. So, I wanna know what I can learn from the ‘Great Ones’ about how to rise with the pressure – about how to get better the tougher it gets. I want to know how to max out success when the going gets tough. And, then more than just ‘knowing’ with my head I want to accomplish more with my actions via my head, heart & body. I want to rise with the ‘Great Ones’ of the faith like Paul, Peter, David, Enoch, and even, THE GREAT ONE—Jesus, the Christ!
If I can find some of the common denominators among ‘The Great Ones’ then perhaps I can emulate their success. Perhaps I can rise higher as the pressure builds and the heat rises…
So, I’m on a quest as I watch the 2008 Olympians—especially Michael Phelps. My quest, to become more like the ‘great ones.’
I’m pretty sure that most of us ‘mere mortals' have similar wishes as we watch ‘The Great Ones’ – we hope to rise higher in the future as we face the challenges of life.
We hope that when the boss offers us a chance for a new, more demanding position that we can rise to meet the challenge.
We pray that when the ‘Big Test Day’ comes that our heads will clear and we’ll see clearly which answer is the right one and we’ll ace that test and bag the prize.
We wonder if we can stand the pressure of mounting bills, rising energy costs, and larger grocery bills and wonder if we can rise to the challenge of simply paying the bills and keeping our homes.
We may struggle with an area of life that seems to strip us of the title of ‘Christ follower’ over and over again and wonder if we can ever take the gold in the struggle against a familiar sin-filled pattern that taunts us from atop the ‘winner’s podium’.
We may simply be trying to make life work and wonder if we’ll ever win. We wonder if we were simply born to lose, while ‘The Great Ones’ were simply born to win. We wonder if there’s some magic way to pray or some passage of Scripture committed to memory that would secure the victory.
From a pure genetic code/DNA standpoint we are separated from other humans by the tiniest of code changes. To the untrained observer the code changes might seem so tiny that we have a hard time justifying the variations in human performance. In our pure potential most of us are over 99% alike, but in our performance we are separated by the distance between a Gold Medallion wearer and a person who can’t swim at all. So, what gives…why the performance gap?
I believe that all of life is ‘spiritual’ and therefore, all success & failure have their origins in the spiritual (unseen) realm. Even more unseen that slight code changes in the molecules that comprise our DNA is the Spiritual Life Force granted to us by God. But, it’s this invisible force that allows some to rise while others fail. This ‘spiritual difference’ makes all the difference in the world.
And, now Spirituality is a matter of the heart – the ‘control center’ for our behavior. But, as humans, our hearts & our ‘heads’ (more specifically—our brains) are linked through a super-highway of spiritual connectedness. And, so the question becomes which is more important for a Christ follower to become one of the ‘Great Ones’? Does it begin with the heart or the head? How can we condition ourselves spiritually to be one of the ‘Great Ones’? It's both -- the heart & head in conjunction that connect with God so that we can also become a 'Great One'.
Let me start with Theology 101 to help answer the question and it begins way back in the early chapters of Genesis where God is established as the ‘SOURCE’ of life – all things were made by Him and nothing that was made was made without him. All of life finds its origin and sustenance in the will & breath of God. So, to begin our quest is to roll the clock back and return to our ‘source’ of life—to acknowledge that who we are is a gift from Him. It is He who made us and not we ourselves.
The second bit of theology to know is that ‘every good and perfect gift’ comes from above – from God. To know at a deep level that what we have is ‘given’ and not earned is the beginning of letting ourselves be loved as broken ones -- underachievers in the grand scheme of things, but loved wildly and with reckless abandon by the designer/Creator God.
Now, we can relax and know that it’s not just about our ‘performance’ and that we are not only loved because we ‘perform well’ but because we are ‘created ones’ born with a dream wired into us from the heart of God Himself. Now we can draw courage to live out of our best gifts and highest dreams and play with our whole hearts – knowing that we’re loved no matter what – Gold, Silver, Bronze or even failing to finish. The pressure is ‘off’ when we know that no matter what we’re still gonna be okay and we’re still gonna be loved in a magnificent way. Knowing that the sun will still rise and laughter will return no matter what -- we can face the challenge ahead with our pulse clicking along smoothly and our efforts put forth in a relaxed, yet impassioned, manner so as to win the prize, but not like ones racing alone, but like ones powered through the wake from the invisible gravitational forces of God Himself. So, as we realize that source & provision is LOVE – and remember that God IS ‘LOVE’—we can keep our hearts calmed down to compete under pressure that would squash those trying to race alone.
The ‘Great Ones’ have their brains filled to the overflow with ‘proper thinking’ and ‘visualization’ about the race set before them. They have practiced the race so many times that their bodies know what to do instinctively—they have learned with their whole body –not just with their head—what it takes to race their best race. They have marinated their minds and basted their brains with images of perfect races swam and flawless performances given. They have trained their brains by marinating them with visions, practice sessions, ‘game film’, proper coaching, and proper self-talk. They have ‘programmed’ their brain to win and to override the whining of their body so they can push past normal human quitting points—they press on to win the prize when others would quit.
They are mentally tough because they are spiritually conditioned.
I think the ‘great ones’ know the secret of ‘The Kabob’!
A great kabob has meat that has been been grilled to perfection – it outperforms other delicacies. But, it’s not just the ‘grilling’ when the heat rises and the ‘great ones’ rise to meet the challenge –it’s what happens to the meat prior to the grilling that prepares it for the heat. It’s the marinating of the meat – the soaking in spicy, savory seasonings that tenderizes it and allows it to grill up so good!
It’s what happens before the grill is ever turned on that makes a great kabob. It’s the succulent seasonings that fill the meat with juicy success that allows it to stand on the top tier of success.
It’s the ‘marinade’ AND time in the sauce that prepares the meat to meet the test of the flame and so it is with ‘The Great Ones’ – athletes and Christ followers – it’s the marinade. It’s what they’re immersing their brain and heart in that makes em ready for the heat. It’s what allows them to squeeze out the sweet wine of victory when they are squeezed.
It’s a lot like what Jesus said to His follower in John 15 about ‘abiding’ in HIM so that they could bear much fruit – aka, ‘WIN the GOLD’! (which, by the way, He said, was God’s will for the ‘abider’!) Hang onto the vine because it is ‘source’ and ‘sustainer’ and ‘provider’ of the life giving marinade that produces the sweet wine of victory.
Marinading our brains in scripture can help us abide better. Scripture, when used as a way to connect with God intimately is a vital ingredient that leads to succulent success in producing great & abundant fruits of righteousness.
Scripture intake through Bible Study, memorization, small group sessions, and big box worship experiences is all good when it’s seen as a pathway to intimacy with God. It looses it’s marinating effect and ability to produce the wine of success when it is treated like a stand-alone religious effort where we’re trying to get God to love us more or trying to pry success from His hands by meeting some concocted ‘religious formula’.
So, with that said, let’s build a marinade that will soak your brain and marinade your mind so that as the heat in your life rises you’ll rise to meet the challenge and the sweet wine of victory will flow through you to inspire those watching from the grand-stands of life.
The rule of using scripture properly in ‘brain training’ for a would be ‘High Performance Christ follower’ Is that it’s a tool to bring us into a full-on abiding abundant intimate connection with God. The moment the use of scripture misses the mark of moving us into intimacy with God we have lost it’s usefulness—the salt has lost it’s saltiness and becomes worthless at accomplishing it’s intended effect.
Psalm 119:11 sums it up – I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.
Let me rephrase this in the present context….”I have marinading my mind and soaked my heart in what you’ve spoken through scripture so that I can live in a full-on connection with you.’ And, it’s in this full-on scripture aided connectivity that we enjoy the fruits of a victorious ‘Great One’ in the Kingdom of God. We move to the medal podium most of the time, often taking the ‘gold’ in the events that God has called us to participate in, because we shift from being self-powered to being ‘God-Powered’, from being self-controlled to being under His Command. We move from powering up to produce victory to abiding so that the sweet wine of success flows from our efforts.
Marinading our minds in the Word of God can be done in a lot of ways…we can brush on the marinade by hearing the Word of God or we can inject the marinade deep into our minds by memorizing scripture. We can immerse our hearts in the word by deep personal Bible study and we can learn from others in the context of a Life Transformation Group. (aka, ‘small group’) All of these ways of marinading our minds can lead to increased intimacy with God that leads to an ‘abiding’ that produces incredible fruit in the life of a Christ follower.
So, today, I’m wondering if we could all agree to be a lot more like a great kabob and marinade our hearts & minds so that when the heat is on we’ll succeed in accomplishing the task. We’ll win the race, take the prize and stand on the medal podium time after time.
Very practically I’m suggesting that you try one of the following for the next 21 days…. (this is a copy of some coaching notes from one of the worship experiences at Phos Hilaron Church in July 2008 done as part of the High Performance Living Series so where it says things about a ‘Life Transformation Group, LXG, just replace that with ‘Small Group Leader’ or ‘Sunday School Teacher’ etc depending on your personal context). In light of the idea of ‘marinating our minds’ with Scripture I’d especially ask you to consider doing either #1 or 2 or even both would be great.
10 Training Tools that will propel you toward your Spiritual Life Dream:
1. Audio Bible = download or purchase an ‘Illustrated’ Audio Bible – one that has cool sound effects and great narration and listen for at least 20 minutes a day.
2. Memorize the following 5 passages of Scripture from the book of Philippians: 1:6, 2:3-4, 2:5-11, 2:13-16, 3:10-14
3. Buy the new Chris Tomlin ‘Double Take’ CD and put it on your personal listening device and work out with that music 3 times a week.
4. Find a buddy and go do something fun, but take at least 30 minutes to discuss you spiritual life dreams & goals and then pray for each other.
5. Get with the Life Transformation Group leader from your Middle School Zone and discuss your spiritual life plan. (see Jeff for contact info about your leader)
6. Catch up with an old Spiritual Mentor and just chat about what you’re learning and ask them for what book they’d recommend you read or listen to—then do it!
7. Purchase ‘The Purpose Driven Life’ by Rick Warren and read a section a day.
8. Pick up a nice blank journal or keep a journal on your computer of your prayers and what God seems to be doing in relation to your prayers.
9. Notebook your way though a personal study of the Life of Jesus by ‘consuming ’ & ‘marinating your brain’ in the book of Mark.
10. Heavy Lifting = Read ‘Renovation of the Heart’ by Dallas Willard devotionally –that is, take it a bit at a time and make notes (journal/blog) about what you’re learning ‘OR’ do the same thing with a great book that’s not as tough by John Piper called ‘Desiring God’.
If you desire to be one of ‘The Great Ones’ with a fired up deeply intimate relationship with God who consistently rises to the challenge then I’d suggest you make like a good kabob and marinade your mind so you can produce the sweet wine of success when the heat is on! And, it won’t be the juice of memorized Bible verses that brings the wine of victory…rather it will be a by-product of scripture marination—the deep abiding presence of Christ Himself that produces the wine of victory!
You, too, can be one of the ‘Great Ones’ if you’ll marinade your mind as a tool for an abundant abiding relationship with God.
To learn more you might consider marinading your brain in John 15:1-8. In this powerful parable lies the crux of becoming a ‘world-class’ medal winner in the Olympics of Life.
Go baste your brain!
Jeff Fuson
p.s. I owe a debt of gratitude to David Nasser who I heard speak about the concept of ‘marination’ when he was doing his ‘Call to Die’ tour about 8 years ago. He wrote a powerful book with 40 days of meditations called ‘A call to Die’ that can serve as a great training tool for those ready to marinade their minds on the path to producing the sweet wine of victory—the by-product of abiding…. I think you may have to order the book directly from him at
Jeff Fuson serves as Point Leader for Phos Hilaron Church near Louisville Kentucky. Jeff's # 1 passion is being a husband and daddy. A close second is seeing people grow spiritually. As a Professional Speaker Jeff also serves as a Keynote Speaker & Trainer crafting & delivering high impact keynote addresses & training events for Entrepreneurs, Banks, Credit Unions, and small to medium sized non-profit & for profit enterprises. He's got one incredible wife and 3 awesome children.
Monday, August 11, 2008
My New Fav Song
Sometimes a song comes along that just carries your soul to a better place -- instant worship and focus on God. This is one of those songs! Thanks for 'Song of Hope' by Robbie Seay Band.
Jeff Fuson
Friday, August 8, 2008
What it takes to be a GREAT TEAM LEADER
If you are a leader, or you're a 'wannabe...' then read this NOW. Enjoy.
Thanks Bruce Hildenbrand for writing this insightful leader, not even Lance Armstrong, gets there on his own!
Jeff Fuson
Jeff Fuson serves as Point Leader for Phos Hilaron Church near Louisville Kentucky. Jeff's # 1 passion is being a husband and daddy. A close second is seeing people grow spiritually. As a Professional Speaker Jeff also serves as a Keynote Speaker & Trainer crafting & delivering high impact keynote addresses & training events for Entrepreneurs, Banks, Credit Unions, and small to medium sized non-profit & for profit enterprises. He's got one incredible wife and 3 awesome children.
Thanks Bruce Hildenbrand for writing this insightful leader, not even Lance Armstrong, gets there on his own!
Jeff Fuson
Jeff Fuson serves as Point Leader for Phos Hilaron Church near Louisville Kentucky. Jeff's # 1 passion is being a husband and daddy. A close second is seeing people grow spiritually. As a Professional Speaker Jeff also serves as a Keynote Speaker & Trainer crafting & delivering high impact keynote addresses & training events for Entrepreneurs, Banks, Credit Unions, and small to medium sized non-profit & for profit enterprises. He's got one incredible wife and 3 awesome children.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Scream Free Parenting Seminar coming to Louisville, Kentucky
Scream Free Parenting Event -- FREE Seminar!
Wed Aug 27 at Fern Creek High School 7 PM -- rsvp here
Thursday Aug 28 at South Oldham High School 7 PM -- rsvp here
No matter the age of your child YOU will benefit from this seminar! Schools are even using this information to help their teachers in dealing with students!
I have the privilege of working Jean Shumm as a board member of the organization she founded known as Operation Spirit -- a parent resource group that works with parents of teens and offers some great small groups to help you navigate as the parent of a teenager.
The Operation Spirit crew is sponsoring the 'Scream Free Parenting' Seminar led by Hal Runkel, who will be featured on the TODAY Show on the morning of Aug 27 before he flies to Louisville. You may be interested in his book called 'Scream Free Parenting' .
Jeff Fuson
Jeff Fuson serves as Point Leader for Phos Hilaron Church near Louisville Kentucky. Jeff's # 1 passion is being a husband and daddy. A close second is seeing people grow spiritually. As a Professional Speaker Jeff also serves as a Keynote Speaker & Trainer crafting & delivering high impact keynote addresses & training events for Entrepreneurs, Banks, Credit Unions, and small to medium sized non-profit & for profit enterprises. He's got one incredible wife and 3 awesome children.
Wed Aug 27 at Fern Creek High School 7 PM -- rsvp here
Thursday Aug 28 at South Oldham High School 7 PM -- rsvp here
No matter the age of your child YOU will benefit from this seminar! Schools are even using this information to help their teachers in dealing with students!
I have the privilege of working Jean Shumm as a board member of the organization she founded known as Operation Spirit -- a parent resource group that works with parents of teens and offers some great small groups to help you navigate as the parent of a teenager.
The Operation Spirit crew is sponsoring the 'Scream Free Parenting' Seminar led by Hal Runkel, who will be featured on the TODAY Show on the morning of Aug 27 before he flies to Louisville. You may be interested in his book called 'Scream Free Parenting' .
Jeff Fuson
Jeff Fuson serves as Point Leader for Phos Hilaron Church near Louisville Kentucky. Jeff's # 1 passion is being a husband and daddy. A close second is seeing people grow spiritually. As a Professional Speaker Jeff also serves as a Keynote Speaker & Trainer crafting & delivering high impact keynote addresses & training events for Entrepreneurs, Banks, Credit Unions, and small to medium sized non-profit & for profit enterprises. He's got one incredible wife and 3 awesome children.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Relax and enjoy the splash of surf from thundering hooves!
Last year I helped lead a small Mission Team of Students to Costa Rica to help install a water purification system under the capable hands of Curtis and Claudia Daniels of EDGE Outreach. It was an amazing journey filled with lots of rewarding moments.
One of the 'Adventure Elements' that Meredith Salyers Lewis and I built into the trip was horseback riding on the coast that was amazing.
Our posse' picked up our horses about 1/4 mile inland from the coast and were given very basic instruction in horse riding -- basically, 'hang on!' and then we were let go to ride out on the beach as we saw fit. I'm not a little guy so that hooked me up with a large horse with a fiery disposition that liked to run. I'm not a cowboy either so I was in for an incredible ride!
As we neared the beach my horse began to gallop and I was a little tense so that kind of hurt...when we got to beach we were off to the Costa Rican Derby and my horse simply wanted to run -- FAST! And he was competitive as a horse can get so anytime he was challenged he would run first this was terrifying, but I felt a sense of a deep message and peace settle on me as the surf splashed up on me from the racing hooves -- just relax, have fun and feel the wind and surf --I've got you. You are in for the ride of your life!
At that point I was tasked with giving Crestwood Baptist Church a final answer upon my return about whether I did truly intend to leave a great position in that great church to launch a fully new enterprise which is now known as Phos Hilaron Church.
So, this was on my heart and mind a ton and on that beach racing along the message I seemed to hear deep in my spirit from God was, 'Hold On, you're in for the ride of your life! Relax and enjoy it, because I am with you.'
I had forgotten about that until this evening when we were having dinner with Tyler and Stacey Eldred of Life Champion International and The Louisville Chocolate Fountain and we were talking about horses and horseback riding. As I shared the joy of riding unfettered at full throttle with them I was reminded again of how lucky I am to have the chance to ride along and experience the thrill of watching God do HIS thing as He carries Phos Hilaron Church along at full tilt! What a ride! I'm learning to relax and enjoy the wind of the Spirit moving among us and watching God do Amazing GOD-STUFF all over the place to grow us into the Missional Church that He called us to become.
For the last 10 days I've been on vacation with my family and extended family -- well, really, we've been crashing on families sofas and extra beds as we did a 1200 mile trek from Louisville through Huntsville, Chattanooga, Cherokee North Carolina, and Corbin, Kentucky.
While I've been away the incredible team at PHC has had a great Service Worship at Creasey Mahan Park and they had a meaningful worship experience today as Len Jaggers stepped up to preach in my place. I'm grateful for this amazing team of people who are stepping up to build a church that is out in the community serving and seeking to invest & invite neighbors who don't have a church home already.
For this ride with these people I am abundantly grateful! I'm learning to relax in the saddle and enjoy the ride of a lifetime! (If you live in the Louisville area maybe you should think about taking this ride with us. Go to to learn what's happening next at Phos Hilaron Church.
Relax and Enjoy the Ride!
Jeff Fuson
Friday, August 1, 2008
Hebrews 6:14
God had a way of getting people's attention in the Old Testament by promising them extreme reward for accomplishing His mission in their lives. A prominent example of this was Abraham and the promise that God made to him that his offspring would be more abundant than sands on the seashore. (Genesis 22:17)
Hebrews 6:14 recalls the Genesis experience of Abraham when it says, "I will most certainly bless you, and I will greatly multiply you."
Now, I know that this text was not a promise to me or for me, but I sure would like it to be mine. My greatest hope is that God would use me to accomplish MUCH for His Kingdom on the move through this world. And, it's one of my dreams that Phos Hilaron Church would be counted strong in Loving God, Loving our Neighbors, and Expanding the Neighborhood.
So, here's to stretching the text so that it applies to me and you and PHC today!
And, here's to YOU in discovering God's BIG Dream for YOU that will bring about the disciplined daily actions and habits necessary to accomplish the dreams of your wildest imagination!
I'll be thinking about that one simple verse a lot today and praying that God would say the same thing to me (at least in a spiritual offspring sort of way!).
Enjoy THIS day,
Jeff Fuson
Jeff Fuson serves as Point Leader for Phos Hilaron Church near Louisville Kentucky. Jeff's # 1 passion is being a husband and daddy. A close second is seeing people grow spiritually. As a Professional Speaker Jeff also serves as a Keynote Speaker & Trainer crafting & delivering high impact keynote addresses & training events for Entrepreneurs, Banks, Credit Unions, and small to medium sized non-profit & for profit enterprises. He's got one incredible wife and 3 awesome children.
God had a way of getting people's attention in the Old Testament by promising them extreme reward for accomplishing His mission in their lives. A prominent example of this was Abraham and the promise that God made to him that his offspring would be more abundant than sands on the seashore. (Genesis 22:17)
Hebrews 6:14 recalls the Genesis experience of Abraham when it says, "I will most certainly bless you, and I will greatly multiply you."
Now, I know that this text was not a promise to me or for me, but I sure would like it to be mine. My greatest hope is that God would use me to accomplish MUCH for His Kingdom on the move through this world. And, it's one of my dreams that Phos Hilaron Church would be counted strong in Loving God, Loving our Neighbors, and Expanding the Neighborhood.
So, here's to stretching the text so that it applies to me and you and PHC today!
And, here's to YOU in discovering God's BIG Dream for YOU that will bring about the disciplined daily actions and habits necessary to accomplish the dreams of your wildest imagination!
I'll be thinking about that one simple verse a lot today and praying that God would say the same thing to me (at least in a spiritual offspring sort of way!).
Enjoy THIS day,
Jeff Fuson
Jeff Fuson serves as Point Leader for Phos Hilaron Church near Louisville Kentucky. Jeff's # 1 passion is being a husband and daddy. A close second is seeing people grow spiritually. As a Professional Speaker Jeff also serves as a Keynote Speaker & Trainer crafting & delivering high impact keynote addresses & training events for Entrepreneurs, Banks, Credit Unions, and small to medium sized non-profit & for profit enterprises. He's got one incredible wife and 3 awesome children.
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