Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I Corinthians 9:23 - 27

Vision Fuels Desire Fuels Disciplined Action Fuels Destiny!

I Corinthians 9:24-27 (Holman Christian Standard Bible)
24 Do you not know that the runners in a stadium all race, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win. 25 Now everyone who competes exercises self-control in everything. However, they do it to receive a perishable crown, but we an imperishable one. 26 Therefore I do not run like one who runs aimlessly, or box like one who beats the air. 27 Instead, I discipline my body and bring it under strict control, so that after preaching to others, I myself will not be disqualified.

Now Paul fires us up with a great word picture encouraging us to ‘Run in such a way that you may win.’ And, I love that word picture. But, to really understand why Paul ‘disciplines’ his body you’ll have to look back to I Corinthians 9:23 where he tells us that he is working to become full ‘partner’ in the ‘Gospel’ firm – completed with all the benefits and perks of being co-regent with Christ himself. That’s a prize worth fighting for – to be an heir to the riches of the Universe without end. To live forever fully connected to God –fully alive, fully on-fire, fully energized, perfectly in sync with God and others. All my needs and wants and dreams overflowing into abundant fulfillment!

‘Run in such a way as to win’ is the origin of the following:

Training to Win
Training seems ominous and threatening
Training often winds up in the ash heap of burned up good intentions
Training for the long haul usually runs out of gas before we hit our destination.
Not because we’re not disciplined—because, we do, in fact, do what we most want to do –every single time.
Not because we’re not motivated—because, in fact, we are very motivated by something!
Not because we don’t care or are lazy – rather because we have such short memories of what matters most to us.
Or, because we’ve aimed our efforts at a ‘dream’ that is not truly in our hearts or that is too far out or not far enough ahead to fire the fuels of consistent effort.
So, training to win has it’s roots deep in the soil of a dream that causes our pulse to quicken and our palms to sweat. A dream that’s bigger than we can possibly do in lifetimes of effort unless God Himself shows up. A dream that reflects the true passion of our hearts and gifts wired into our bodies. A dream that sits at the intersection of wired passions and God’s dream for the world trafficked by the Needs of the world – that’s where our dream resides. That’s where we find a dream worth fighting for. That’s where we find purpose and power for living disciplined lives so that we take the action necessary to ‘win the prize’!
So, training has it’s roots deep in the soil of a God-oriented, God-sized dream of what He can do with us, for us, in us, and through us. That’s where dreams reside and that’s where the springs of disciplined pursuit bubble up first. Those springs are primed by the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives and are guarded and advanced in spite of our weaknesses as the Spirit provides fire in our hearts to press on when the going gets tough.

So, step one to ‘Training to Win’ is to Get a God-Sized Dream that FITS YOU!

The next step is to foster a vivid imagination of what that dream will do for you and the world.

The third step is to remind our heart and head over and over again what our dream will do for us and for the world.

The fourth step is to take action—almost any action will do—the only action that won’t do is ‘inaction’ where you sit still stymied by the possibility of failure.

The fifth step is to press on toward the prize – keeping Christ on the screens of our imagination as the ‘Hero’ of the course ahead and remembering the Prize that we’ve been called to pursue. As we imagine Him and as we vividly imagine the outcomes of our pursuit ‘discipline’ to take the necessary actions will spring up in our heart and head.. And, the world has a penchant for Dream-Doers and God will orchestrate the arrival of the next coach you need, the resources you lack will show up right on time and God will advance His dream for the world through you.

And, when you hold the prize high at the end of the quest be sure that you leave space for God’s hand to grip the prize with you. After all, He’s been your source from the first drop of sweat!
Run to win by vividly imagining your joy in holding the prize close and by enthusiastically imagining what will happen in the world because you press on.

Paul J. Meyer of Success Motivation Institute suggested that whatever we vividly imagine, ardently desire and enthusiastically act upon must inevitably come to pass! I think he’s right. God has granted us huge range to ‘make our dreams’ come true. However, I’m also sure that dreams that are just about me usually wind up in dead–end heart-break alleys – the kind that country music songs are written about.

I’m convinced that when I’m pursuing a God-inititated, God-Sized dream by ‘vividly imagining, ardently desiring, and enthusiastically acting upon that dream and tapping the abundant resources of God via the Holy Spirit then I am ‘unstoppable’!

And, that ‘unstoppableness’ provides traction for disciplined action to take hold and propel us into God’s desired destiny!

Vividly Imagine
Ardently Desire
Enthusiastically Act Upon
The Dream that God has in Mind for YOU!

Jeff Fuson

Jeff Fuson serves as Point Leader for Phos Hilaron Church near Louisville Kentucky. Jeff's # 1 passion is being a husband and daddy. A close second is seeing people grow spiritually. Jeff also delivers impacting training events for Entrepreneurs, Credit Unions, and small to medium sized enterprises. He's got one incredible wife and 3 awesome children.

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