Saturday, January 3, 2009

Brain Candy for Christ Followers

I've found a way to easily and painlessly increase the quality and quantity of Scripture that I'm taking in without adding another thing to my overstuffed calendar!

Two reasons this matters: 1. It allows me to be more fully in tune to God and the most vital relationship in my life--it's a way to hear from and respond to Him -- my heart 'talks' to God when I'm involved with His Word. 2. Taking in Scripture 're-wires' my brain so that I'm not squeezed into unproductive patterns by the 'noise' of the world around me.

Read Romans 12:2 and think about what it means to be 'transformed by the renewing of your mind' so that we can know the will of God. Knowing and doing the will of God is on the minds of most serious Christ followers because we know it matters. Increasing the quality & quantity of Scripture you take in will automatically transform your brain and make it fertile to the thoughts and plans of God. More importantly, it ushers you into communication with Him--the foundation of any good relationship is communication.

I'm listening to Scripture via Itunes and a downloaded copy of the Listener's Bible. I can do this when I'm driving, when I'm waiting for my next appointment, when I'm hanging out at my son's practice with nothing much to do, while I'm in line at the grocery store....nearly anywhere, nearly anytime.

I'd encourage you to grab an audio Bible to 'listen' to scripture this year. I'm a big fan of using different versions for my reading and study so that the Scriptures stay fresh. Listening has added a whole new dimension to my Scripture intake -- it's def 'brain candy' and I'm getting a ton out of this. I think you will, too.


p.s. You can also check out these two Online Bible sites as they have 'listening options' where you can listen to scripture and it won't cost you a cent! No time, no money? No worries, you can still listen to The Bible at and at

Jeff Fuson serves as Point Leader for Phos Hilaron Church near Louisville Kentucky. Jeff's # 1 passion is being a husband and daddy. A close second is seeing people grow spiritually. As a Professional Speaker Jeff also serves as a Keynote Speaker & Trainer crafting & delivering high impact keynote addresses & training events for Entrepreneurs, Banks, Credit Unions, and small to medium sized non-profit & for profit enterprises. He's got one incredible wife and 3 awesome children.

1 comment:

Sue Woods said...

I think this is a good idea, Jeff. Have you just started doing this blog this year or have you been doing it for a while? I need to reconnect with God this year, but I just don't know if I am ready to do it. Sue