Monday, January 5, 2009

Extreme Life Makeover #2 -- Make a Radical Commitment

Most of us want to live life at a higher level....we'd like to have the 'perfect life' whatever that is.

There are a few challenges ....
#1 most of us have no idea of what the 'perfect life' would be for us because we've lacked the tools to help us define what that might look like. (the tools and ideas you need will be coming up later in this series)

# 2 We probably haven't committed to seeking God's Kingdom First and then letting the chips fall where they may. More on that in a minute....

I've spent a lot of time and energy in my life trying to determine what my 'dream life' would be like and then I've mapped out a plan and attacked it like 39 dogs only to realize that the pursuit left me empty inside. I couldn't figure out why until I realized that I was violating an important principle....I was determining my own dream with no input from God. It's not that God wants to 'boss' me around, it's that He knows me even better than I know myself and that when I pursue His agenda for the world and my place in it that my best gifts will be activated and I'll find myself in the sweet spot of a life well-lived on purpose.

In short I discover the power & passion of alignment with His agenda, my gifts and dreams and the needs of the world when I give Him access to the command center of my life.

The reality is that my dream is found in His.

It's remarkable that Jesus words ring true that when we lose our lives we actually find them.

Two Action Items for you today:
Action Item 1:
Read and really think about these 3 scriptures:

Proverbs 3:5-6

Matthew 6:33 (the entire Sermon on the Mount from Matthew 5 to Matthew 7 is worth reading and thinking seriously about as you seek to connect with God's ways and Jesus' commands for those who would seriously follow Him)

Jeremiah 29:11

Action Item 2: Pray something like this simply:
God, I don't know if I have enough faith to really trust you with my life and to accept Your agenda for me, but I'd like to. So, would you give me the courage to give up control of my life and to let You take the steering wheel of my life and to cooperate with your plan for the world and my place in it? Amen.

Rootin for YOU to find your Passion & Purpose in His Dream for the world.

Jeff Fuson

p.s. In order to condition our heart and mind to be in tune with God I don't know of anything more important than taking Scripture in and letting them tune our heart & mind to be on God's frequency. Read this post to learn a way to do this that won't take an extra moment of your day! This post is Extreme Life Makeover #1 -- Brain Candy for Christ Followers.

Jeff Fuson serves as Point Leader for Phos Hilaron Church near Louisville Kentucky. Jeff's # 1 passion is being a husband and daddy. A close second is seeing people grow spiritually. As a Professional Speaker Jeff also serves as a Keynote Speaker & Trainer crafting & delivering high impact keynote addresses & training events for Entrepreneurs, Banks, Credit Unions, and small to medium sized non-profit & for profit enterprises. He's got one incredible wife and 3 awesome children.

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