Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Check this out....

Ephesians 1:5

"God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do, and it gave him great pleasure."

See it at YouVersion.com:


Do you see what God's plan is for you?  Amazing isn't it!?


Posted via email from Jeff Fuson

Friday, February 18, 2011

Great Day to Ride

Sun was awesome. Wind was in my grill the whole day... Grateful fo sure!


Posted via email from Jeff Fuson

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Pray for Egypt and Israel

Pray for the world leaders engaged in all the drama in the Middle East
these days. Our faith has it's roots in that region. From Genesis to
Revelation our Bible was written in that region originally. Your
Bible is loaded with history and geography that will help you make
sense of some of the current geopolitical turmoil. Here's a map that
may help you pray more specifically as you watch and read all the news
coming out of Egypt. It may also help you understand where our faith
ancestors lived.


Posted via email from Jeff Fuson

Got a Friend or Relative Who's an Atheist? ONLINE Listening option here....

If you're not sure what radio station to listen to for this program or your schedule won't permit it, no worries, just go to this website and click the 'Listen Now' link on the right 


Let me know what you think about this, okay?

Posted via email from Jeff Fuson

Got a friend or relative who's an Atheist? Listen to your radio today ....

Building Relationships

Saturday, February 5: "Not God's Type"

Not God's Type cover


Is there any hope for your family member or friend who's an atheist? Are they beyond the reach of a God they don't even believe exists? On this edition of Building Relationships with Dr. Gary Chapman, Dr. Holly Ordway provides her own story of hope. She grew up with no understanding of God or the Bible. Something amazing happened. Listen in and hear her intriguing story.


Featured Resource: Not God's Type by Dr. Holly Ordway

Tune in to Building Relationships with Dr. Gary Chapman, the weekly radio broadcast brought to you by Moody Radio and Moody Publishers. Listen live online Saturday mornings at 10 a.m. and evenings at 7:00 p.m. CST at moodyradio.org, check your local radio station, or download free podcasts and get more information.

Posted via email from Jeff Fuson

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Fantastic Little Bible Study You Can Do ONLINE in about 10 Minutes....

I'm up early preparing the message for this coming Sunday and this particular verse is loaded with potential for a powerful online study about who Jesus really is.  The way that the Bible Gateway website sets this up using the Holman Christian Standard Version of the Bible makes a very easy way to do a powerful online study.  

Here's how:
2.  Once on the site take a moment to prayerfully read the scripture
3.  Now click on each of the blue letters [ A, B, C ] throughout the verse and read the scriptures that it takes you to
4.  Click the back button on your browser and repeat until you've gone through all the blue numbers [they're called 'cross references because the refer you to other scripture(s) ]

So cool.  So powerful.  The tools we have at our fingertips to explore the Bible are fantastic.

Enjoy today!!

p.s.  The Bible Gateway Site is my favorite online Bible Study resource -- it's powerful, simple, and it doesn't cost a dime to use!  Take some time to poke around on there and notice that you can change versions, click cross references, check commentaries and even dig into the original Greek and Hebrew text.  If you're ready to dig into your Bible this will really help.

Posted via email from Jeff Fuson