Friday, February 24, 2012

Bonnie Arvin's Obituary and Funeral Arrangements

Please visit this site and post a comment for Mike, Bob, and Bobby Jr to read ....

And, for clarity sake all funeral arrangements are at Phos Community Church in Centerfield Kentucky.  Visit for directions.

Jeff Fuson
Lead Pastor
Phos Community Church

Posted via email from Jeff Fuson

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Funeral Arrangments for Bonnie Arvin

Bonnie Arvin's Funeral Arrangements are as follows:
Visitation is from 2:30 to 5 PM on Sunday, February 26 at Phos Community Church located at 4200 Centerfield Drive, Crestwood, KY 40014

Funeral is 10:30 AM on Monday, February 27 at Phos Community Church located at 4200 Centerfield Drive, Crestwood, KY 40014

Go to for Directions

Also, watch for more information coming out soon related to a Care Calendar and how you can support the Arvins.

Jeff Fuson

Posted via email from Jeff Fuson

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Bonnie Arvin Died Wednesday evening February 22 around 8 PM at Baptist Hospital Northeast in LaGrange

Bonnie died peacefully this evening in LaGrange.  We'll post more news as we know it.

The basic outline for funeral services are as follows:
Sunday afternoon Visitation at Phos Community Church located at 4200 Centerfield Drive in Crestwood, KY 40014 (GPS will get you lost for sure!)
-Go to for directions

Monday morning Bonnie's funeral will be held at Phos Community Church located at 4200 Centerfield Drive in Crestwood, KY 40014

Pray for Bob, Mike & Lisa and their children and Bob Jr and his family.

For the Phos family that would like to help in some way please stay up to date as Meredith will be posting a Care calendar soon along with other needs to support the Arvins as they say goodbye to Bonnie. 

We'll update you with more information later.  

Jeff Fuson

Posted via email from Jeff Fuson

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Surgery Update from Tony Batton

Surgey is @ 7am tomorrow at UK Med Center in Lexington, all should be good, keep me in thought and prayer.


Posted via email from Jeff Fuson

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Kaleb with Alaska's new squeaky toy

IMG_4620.MOV Watch on Posterous

Posted via email from Jeff Fuson

More on Marriage from John Starke of the Gospel Coalition … interesting blog post….

This is fully from John Starke at the Gospel Coalition Blog that you can find here:  

Marriage has lost its luster for many. It no longer carries the weight as being "soceity's ideal." But as Tim amd Kathy Keller write in their new book, The Meaning of Marriage, our society's break from a traditional understanding of marriage comes from hopes and desires that will never be met outside of God's design. The remedy, though, does not come from making a happy or successful marriage our ultimate hope. We need something more subversive. 

I corresponded with Tim Keller about their new book and asked about a number of issues, including how the Enlightenment has affected the Western view of marriage and how sex and fun relate to companionship and a duty to spur our spouses toward holiness.


You observed that during the Enlightenment, social attitudes began to shift: “The meaning of life came to be seen as the fruit of the freedom of the individual to choose the life that most fulfills him or her personally.” How has this affected the Western view of marriage?

The older Western view was grounded in both Catholic and Protestant views that marriage was instituted by God for the common good. It was therefore a public trust. How you conducted your marriage affected everyone. Marriage was seen as the union of a man and a woman who make a permanent and exclusive commitment of each other. It was in the public interest that marriages would last, that divorce would be rare, that adultery would be punished. But the Enlightenment view—that marriage was for the fulfillment and happiness of individuals—essentially "privatized" marriage. It gave rise to the belief that married couples should be able to define and conduct marriage in any way that they found satisfying, and that if they found their marriage unsatisfying it should be easy for them to dissolve it. 


In order to put your spouse’s happiness in front of your own, you argue that we need to have good “love economics.” What do you mean?


It’s a metaphor. Philanthropy means investing money in a charity that does not pay you any dividends—you get no profit out of it. You give money and get no money back. So economically, you can’t be philanthropic—you can’t give away a lot of money—unless you have a good income from somewhere else. 


In the same way, I argue that you can’t do a good job of loving your spouse unconditionally unless you have a strong love relationship with God through Christ. Loving your spouse unconditionally means that, for a season that may be short or long, you love your spouse when you aren’t getting much or any love in response. Your spouse may be deeply discouraged or have become ill or troubled in some way. At a time like that you must serve and love your spouse without expecting much affection, service, or love in return. That is love "philanthropy." In any long-term marriage there will be times that require this. You will be giving a lot more love than you are getting. But if your spouse is the main or only source of love in your life, it will hurt too much to love without getting any love back. You won’t be able to do it. You will just blow up and attack your spouse or look elsewhere for love. God and his love must be a spiritual reality in your life if you are going to be able to love your spouse steadily over the long haul.


What’s wrong with merely looking for compatibility in a wife or husband? 


It’s not wrong if you define compatibility first as a common commitment to Christ and similar ideas of how to live out the Christian faith and minister in the world. Second, it is right to look for many common areas of delight—including books and art, landscapes, avocations, and so on. In the book, however, I resist the idea that dominates the contemporary notion of "compatibility"—namely that if you find a compatible partner, neither of you will ask the other to change at all, that each will completely accept the other as is. If there are conflicts and fights, or if there are calls to change, many people today just walk away complaining of incompatibility. The Christian view is that both spouses are sinners and, as such, have the deep incompatibility that any two self-centered human beings must share. The Christian understanding takes this fundamental incompatibility as a given, and even holds that, if addressed with the gospel, it becomes the occasion for revolutionary Christian growth in humility, self-knowledge, love, and grace in the marital partners over the years.


It’s popular today in books, blogs, or sermons on marriage to focus on a strong sex life for the endurance of a marriage. On the contrary, your book emphasizes companionship, duty, and laboring for the other's holiness, while sex and fun (dating your wife) are all by-products. How did you arrive at these conclusions?


Experience! And study of the Bible.


You summarized it well. We discovered that in the long run good sex and fun are the result of companionship, duty, and laboring for the other’s holiness, not the other way around. Sexual joy, romance, and plain fun happen when you are with someone who you admire enormously. When someone you admire tremendously loves you, it’s just thrilling. “The praise of the praiseworthy is above all rewards.” In the beginning of a relationship it’s not hard to think that another person is very cool and great. A person is seen as cool and great because of brains, looks, resume, talent, connections, personality, and so on. And when this cool-and-great person shows interest in me it’s very heady. 


But when you actually begin to live with someone, the person’s flaws become evident to you, and yours become obvious to your partner. No matter how brilliant, gorgeous, and talented he or she is, you will see the "feet of clay"—and find it very disillusioning. The only way to maintain respect is if you see the other person admit the flaws, work on them, and see your spouse love and serve you even when you’ve blown it. In the long run, the more superficial things that made a person sexually attractive will move to the background, and matters of character, humility, grace, courage, faithfulness, and love will come to the foreground. So companionship, duty, and mutual sacrifice are, in the end, the sexiest things of all.


The cover story of the November 2011 edition of The Atlantic says this:
Recent years have seen an explosion of male joblessness and a steep decline in men’s life prospects that have disrupted the “romantic market” in ways that narrow a marriage-minded woman’s options: increasingly, her choice is between deadbeats (whose numbers are rising) and playboys (whose power is growing). But this strange state of affairs also presents an opportunity: as the economy evolves, it’s time to embrace new ideas about romance and family—and to acknowledge the end of “traditional” marriage as society’s highest ideal. 
What would you want readers of this article to consider?


It sounds like the author is assuming that “traditional marriage” meant, mainly, a husband who worked and a wife who stayed at home to raise children. But that is not the essence of traditional marriage. For centuries, husbands and wives labored together on the family farm, or in the family craft. Before the industrial revolution neither the husband nor the wife had to leave the home to make a living. Since then, they have, but it is wrong to identify the essence of marriage with one particular form of human economy. The essence of traditional marriage is one man and one woman uniting the entirety of their lives in a covenant relationship that is permanent and exclusive. Of course, this view of marriage is found in the Bible, and for Christians that is what matters, not cultural trends. But empirical studies (some of which I point out in our book) continue to amass evidence that traditional marriage is enormously beneficial to everyone—men, women, children, society—in multiple ways—economically, psychologically, sociologically.
Jeff Fuson

Journey + Adventure + Community = Phos Church

Posted via email from Jeff Fuson

Fantastic Marriage Resource....

In preparing for this Sunday's Second Sermon on Marriage I'm reading through a book that I heard about last night that is fantastic so far.  Tim Keller, pastor at Redeemer Church, in New York City does and amazing job of discussing marriage.  I'm only about 30 pages in but so far he and his wife are throwing strikes.  I'm thinking that this may become required reading for any people that ask me to perform a wedding.  So, if you're interested in marriage or building a stronger marriage please check it out here:

Let me know if actually read it.  If you happen to be a note taker then send me your 'cliff notes' on 'The Meaning of Marriage' as I may want to use them in a marriage message someday!

Have a great Valentine's Day!


Posted via email from Jeff Fuson

Monday, February 13, 2012


Date: February 13, 2012 4:33:30 PM EST

If you know any veterans in the Louisville area who need a job I got this email today.

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE


-----Original Message-----
From: NGKY J6 Operations Desk Office Mailbox
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2012 3:45 PM
To: 1 - All Users - Federal & State


For one week only, GE Appliances in Louisville is accepting applications for our hourly production jobs from U.S. Veterans. The application process is closed to the public, however from now through February 17th, we are accepting Military Veteran applicants.

APPLY IMMEDIATELY - Conditions below

*These are fulltime, permanent production assembly roles with GE, and include benefits and paid holidays

*Starting hourly wage is $13.01 for first shift, $14.01 for night shift

*Applicants must be available to work all shifts

*Applicants must be available to attend multiple interviews in Louisville at their own expense

Interested parties need to send an email to Justin Deatrick
( no later than Feb 17th containing the following

.         Full name

.         Current location

.         Phone number

.         Email Address

.         Birth Month and Day, NOT Year(Example; 05/18)


Justin Deatrick

GE Recruiting

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE

Posted via email from Jeff Fuson

If you are out there trying to make something happen or to live into your dream this is for YOU!

Just saw an interview with Andy Grammar, a rising pop star.  He's a former street performer in Southern California who's recent song, Gotta Keep Your Head Up, is getting a lot of airtime.  What impressed me most was that this particular song was written by Andy after he'd stood out in the sun performing for over 12 hours and nobody was paying any attention.  He earned $10 to $15 for his entire's day's efforts and was discouraged.  His dream just wasn't turning out so good. 

So, he drove home in the mini van that he had borrowed from his mom and wrote this song to himself.  It will pick you up!

Anyone who wants to do something great will be faced with fears and naysayers.  Listen to this song and remember that you can accomplish your dreams if you don't let the bozos get you down!  You gotta keep your head up!  

It's interesting that another songwriter from a long time ago, King David, wrote a Psalm about keeping your head up where he preaches to himself in Psalm 42:6.  

I promise you that in launching Phos Community Church there were more days that I had to preach to me than you'd want to hear about.  Days when it seemed like there was no way and days when it seemed like it was all just a pipe dream.  

Everybody who wants to achieve anything beyond the humdrum of punching a clock for 'the man' will face days where you gotta 'preach to yourself' and keep your head up and move on.  So, if you're attempting something great with your llife remember that 'ordinary people' and 'normal people' will not understand what you're attempting to do.  You gotta choose who you're gonna believe and who you're gonna listen to!  

At times like that it's great to have a song and scriptures like these to feast on.  

And, I'd encourage you to move closer to those who do believe in you and your dream and to learn from someone else who is doing or has done what you are attempting to do!  

Psalm 42:4-6

The Message (MSG)

 4 These are the things I go over and over,
      emptying out the pockets of my life.
   I was always at the head of the worshiping crowd,
      right out in front,
   Leading them all,
      eager to arrive and worship,
   Shouting praises, singing thanksgiving—
      celebrating, all of us, God's feast!

 5 Why are you down in the dumps, dear soul?
      Why are you crying the blues?
   Fix my eyes on God—
      soon I'll be praising again.
   He puts a smile on my face.
      He's my God.

 6-8 When my soul is in the dumps, I rehearse
      everything I know of you,
   From Jordan depths to Hermon heights,
      including Mount Mizar.
   Chaos calls to chaos,
      to the tune of whitewater rapids.
   Your breaking surf, your thundering breakers
      crash and crush me.

promises to love me all day,
      sing songs all through the night!
      My life is God's prayer. 

Sing great songs to yourself and preach God's word to yourself and tap into His power and go live your dream!

Jeff Fuson

Journey + Adventure + Community = Phos Church

Posted via email from Jeff Fuson

Friday, February 10, 2012

Tata, could be answer to Gas & Oil!!!

We all need to be lifelong learners and be ready to adapt!  Check out this car.  If it works like they say it can then it will accelerate change all around us and it will cost jobs and CREATE jobs and it will create a whole new world of possibilities.  If you live in America you still have the right to take advantage of opportunities like this!  NOONE makes you keep a job you don't like or pursue a career path that you don't want to.  And, noone is stopping you from starting your own business and create a life and a future that you'd love.  The only one stopping you is you.  Get off the brake and get on with your life!  There is abundant opportunity for those who are not dominated by fear and doubt and lack of initiative.  Pursue your dream!  



Check this car out!

What  is this?
Will it be  the next big thing?
Tata  Motors of India thinks so.
What will  the Oil Companies do to stop it? 

It is an auto engine  that runs on air. That's right; air not gas or  diesel or electric but just the air around us.  Take a look.

Tata Motors of India has  scheduled the Air Car to hit Indian streets by  August 2012


The Air Car, developed  by ex-Formula One engineer Guy N.For  Luxembourg-based MDI, uses compressed air to  push its engine's pistons and make the car go.  

The Air Car, called the "Mini CAT" could  cost around 365,757 rupees in India or $8,177  US.

The Mini CAT which is a simple, light  urban car, with a tubular chassis, a body of  fiberglass that is glued not welded and powered  by compressed air. A Microprocessor is used to  control all electrical functions of the car. One  tiny radio transmitter sends instructions to the  lights, turn signals and every other electrical  device on the car. Which are not  many.

The temperature of the clean air  expelled by the exhaust pipe is between 0-15  degrees below zero, which makes it suitable for  use by the internal air conditioning system with  no need for gases or loss of power.

There  are no keys, just an access card which can be  read by the car from your pocket. According to  the designers, it costs less than 50 rupees per  100 KM, that's about a tenth the cost of a car  running on gas. It's mileage is about double  that of the most advanced electric car, a factor  which makes it a perfect choice for city  motorists. The car has a top speed of 105 KM per  hour or 60 mph and would have a range of around  300 km or 185 miles between refuels. Refilling  the car will take place at adapted gas stations  with special air compressors. A fill up will  only take two to three minutes and costs  approximately 100 rupees and the car will be  ready to go another 300 kilometers.

This  car can also be filled at home with its own  board compressor. It will take 3-4 hours to  refill the tank, but it can be done while you  sleep. 

Because there is no  combustion engine, changing the 1 liter of  vegetable oil is only necessary every 50,000 KM  or 30,000  miles.
Due  to its simplicity, there is very little  maintenance to be done on this car.

This  Air Car almost sounds too good to be true. We'll  see in August.  2012

Posted via email from Jeff Fuson

Men's Health, Money Magazine, and the NY Times all agree--Marriage is good for you!

71% Off Dance Classes - Louisville

We're launching a new series at Phos Community Church this Sunday titled:  The Dance-Building a Powerful Marriage and thought this might inspire some of you to get out there and dance for real!  

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Date: February 10, 2012 6:18:29 AM EST
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Another great deal from AmazonLocal
2138 Old Shepherdsville Road
Louisville, KY 40218
Six Dance Classes and One Private Lesson
Bravo Dance Studio
Sold by LivingSocial
$ 35
71% ($87)
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The Details

You've figuratively danced your way into your sweetie's heart, but you're not tickled pink about your actual moves on the dance floor. Don't feel blue if you wanted to paint the town red for Valentine's Day -- you can improve your fancy footwork for all those future special occasions with today's deal from Bravo Dance Studio. Spend $35 (regularly $122) for six dance classes or social dance parties and one private lesson.

Located at the intersection of Hikes Lane and Bardstown Road, Bravo Dance Studio passes with flying colors when it comes to offering a variety of group lessons, private dance lessons, workshops, and parties for adults or kids. Whether you're a greenhorn or ready for the competitive circuit, Bravo has something for you. Based on the Dance Vision curriculum, these classes highlight the fox-trot, tango, waltz, salsa, East Coast swing, and more. Don't raise the white flag on groovin' quite yet -- snag this deal and you'll be ready for any black-tie affair.

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Posted via email from Jeff Fuson

Monday, February 6, 2012

The Greatest Books of All Time, as Voted by 125 Famous Authors - The Atlantic

The Greatest Books of All Time, as Voted by 125 Famous Authors - The Atlantic

Jeff FusonDaddy / Follower of THE ONE / Husband of One Incredible Lady / Coach / Pastor of Phos Community Church Near Louisville, Kentucky / Missional Church Planter

An Introvert's Guide to Networking - Lisa Petrilli - Harvard Business Review

An Introvert's Guide to Networking - Lisa Petrilli - Harvard Business Review

To reach people with any message we have to overcome ourselves. I appreciate Lisa Petrilli's insights here.

Jeff Fuson

Daddy / Follower of THE ONE / Husband of One Incredible Lady / Coach / Pastor of Phos Community Church Near Louisville, Kentucky / Missional Church Planter

Design Your Own Profession - Anne-Marie Slaughter - Harvard Business Review

Design Your Own Profession - Anne-Marie Slaughter - Harvard Business Review

Jeff Fuson Daddy / Follower of THE ONE / Husband of One Incredible Lady / Coach / Pastor of Phos Community Church Near Louisville, Kentucky / Missional Church Planter