Friday, December 14, 2012

Phos Community Church Prayer Conference Call 9:45 Tonight for the Families Affected by the Horrible Actions in Connecticut Earlier Today

Prayer Conference Call This Evening at 9:45 PM with Jeff Fuson

I'm stunned and sad and hurt and .... by what I've seen about the shooting today in Connecticut.  
Many of you are probably like me and are in shock.  

I'm inviting you to join me in a Prayer Conference Call this evening December 14 at 9:45 PM EST

I anticipate this to be about a 15 to 20 minute call.

Here's the information for the call.  

Free Conference Call
                                                Conference Dial-in Number: (605) 475-4000
Long Distance rates may apply.

Participant: When prompted, enter 926981#.

Once connected to the live conference, every caller will be able to talk.

To that end, please limit background noise from televisions, radios, children 
and pets or mute your own line for the benefit of all.

Jeff Fuson

Journey + Adventure + Community = Phos Church

Posted via email from Jeff Fuson

12 16 12 Sermon Slides for "Guided" The Adventures of the Magi of Matthew 2

12 16 12 Guided - The Adventures of the Magi of Matthew 2.pdf Download this file

Posted via email from Jeff Fuson

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

12 12 12 -- last hooray on the funky numbers for nearly hundred years! Don't guess I'll see this again in my lifetime!

What's the name for this phenomenon? I've truly forgotten. I don't usually do a 'nonsense' post, but I'm doing one right now simply because I want something posted 0n 12 12 12 ! If we get past the end of the Mayan calendar in a few days we'll get to celebrate Christmas! If you wanna know how I'm betting I have ordered most of our Christmas presents and am making plans to be with extended family all the way up to the end of December! LOL

Have a great day! peace,

Posted via email from Jeff Fuson

Friday, November 30, 2012

Stop Time Traveling & Goal-Setting and Find YOUR Theme

I was poking around doing some research on what other bloggers are doing discovered this 4.5 minute video that has some absolutely incredibly powerful distinctions about overcoming fear, shifting from goal-setting to living by theme and staying in the moment instead of time-traveling. 

These are all powerful pointers for living at a higher level.

Jeff Fuson Daddy / Follower of THE ONE / Husband of One Incredible Lady / Coach / Pastor of Phos Community Church Near Louisville, Kentucky / Attracto-Missional Church Planter

12 02 12 Sermon Slide Set

12 02 12 Phos Community Church How the Grinch Stole Christmas Slide Set.pdf Download this file

Posted via email from Jeff Fuson

Sunday, November 11, 2012

A bible app

Thanks to Tim Montgomery for passing this along.  The app is called YOUVERSION Bible and it is powerful AND easy.  Enjoy.


Begin forwarded message:

From: Tim Montgomery <>
Date: November 11, 2012, 12:24:03 PM EST
Subject: A bible app

Just wanted to share this app.  It will read the bible to you from your cell phone, iPad, etc.   When searching apps use "bible"  it is the first one up When I do my search, Just make sure it has this picture.  

I like. Hope other can benefit from it.  

Tim Montgomery 

Louisville Cabinets & Countertops, LLC
Ofc: (502) 930-3304
Cabinets | Granite | Flooring and More

Posted via email from Jeff Fuson

Friday, November 9, 2012

For All of the Goal Setters In My Life -- this may just may relieve a little stress! (this time with the link to the article from Fast Company! )

Gotta think about this one some more, but I think he's onto something profound .... Jesus even said, 'What does it profit to gain the whole world and lose your soul?'   Matthew 16:26

So, how then do we move forward in life if we don't rely on 'goals' and goal seeking behaviors to propel us forward?  Perhaps it's to walk with God and to do the next thing He calls us to and perhaps it's to have a 'global sense' of who God has wired us to become and to lean joyfully and whole-heartedly into that future.  

I have taught this same 'goal setting' legend in many classes on success and how to move your life forward and yet I've found over the past few years I've not used that material much at all because it just wasn't working for me, either.  I simply cannot teach what doesn't work for me.  So, I'm not surprised by this article, probably more relieved and recommitted to simply walking with God as my primary 'success endeavor'.  

Enjoy Life More by NOT setting goals?  [maybe.  read the article at the link provided]

Jeff Fuson

Journey + Adventure + Community = Phos Church

Posted via email from Jeff Fuson

Thursday, November 1, 2012

3 Primary Growth Catalysts for Christ Followers … from Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life by Donald S. Whitney

God uses three primary catalysts for changing us and conforming us to Christlikeness, but only one is largely under our control.  One catalyst the Lord uses to change us is people.  "As iron sharpens iron so one man sharpens another" [Proverbs 27:17].  Sometimes God uses our friends to sharpen us into more Christlike living, and sometimes He uses our enemies to file away our rough, ungodly edges.  Parents, children, spouses, coworkers, customers, teachers, neighbors, pastors--God changes us through these people.

Another change agent God uses in our lives is circumstances.  The classic text for this is Romans 8:28:  "We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."  Financial pressures, physical conditions, even the weather are used in the hands of the Divine Providence to stimulate His elect toward holiness.

Then there is the catalyst of the Spiritual Disciplines.  This catalyst differs from the first two in that when He uses the Disciplines, God works from the inside out.  When He changes us through people and cirumstances, the process works from the outside in.  The Spiritual Disciplines also differ from the other two methods of change in that God grants us a measure of choice regarding involvement with them.  We often have little choice regarding the people and circumstances God brings into our lives, but we can decide, for example, whether we will read the Bible or fast today.  

Page 17 of "Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian LIfe" by Donald S. Whitney

I hope this finds many of my Phos friends finishing up their journey with ENGAGE using the S.O.A.P. Guidebooks -- you still have about 10 days to finish up!!  Invest in your relationship with God today.  Choose to read your Bible and pray today!


Posted via email from Jeff Fuson

Monday, October 29, 2012

Great Advice for Church Plants, Growing Churches and other High Impact Enterprises ...

The tendency as an organization grows is to complicate and to bring in the 'MBA's to create policy manuals and processes and procedures.  Whereas, the temptation of the start up is to 'play office' by buying all kinds of office supplies and furniture to help the start up crew feel like a 'real business'  or a 'real church' the temptation at the next phase is to over-complicate and to lose what made you great in the first place.  Don't cave into the illusion that more processes and procedures will make you 'better' or 'stronger' or whatever.  No question that there are a very few processes and procedures that have to be streamlined, defined and organized but be very careful to only add what will really benefit your growth and the health of the enterprise. 

And, don't confuse bringing on great processes with adding layers of complexity and management and oversight.  Some processes are necessary but some policies and 'policing' by boards and managers can cause the start up to lose her way.  

Bring on great processes as needed and build great teams but bring on overarching policy and polity carefully and only after tons of prayer, fasting and study.  In the long game nothing kills the momentum of a great church more than 'bad' polity -- i.e.  how the church is governed, etc.  [ except for radical changes in leadership or the moral failure of a key leader who fails to repent ]

I've been around church land long enough to see the devastation that bad structure and polity can bring to a church that could have & should have become a major force for good.  Instead, their bad structure has led to infighting, decline, loss of key players and lessened community impact.  It happens in churches all over North America everyday.  I've seen great pastors and great churches get chewed up and spit out because of 'traditional' church polity & structures.  Be very careful to put polity and structure in place that allows your enterprise to accomplish it's purpose.  

Here's an article from Fast Company that is related to these ideas that will give you something to think about.  

I'll have more to share about this in the days ahead.

Have a great day,

Saturday, October 27, 2012

The most stunning photos of far!

A seahorse inspects a diver's watch


An illuminated snow tunnel in


Everybody was kung fu fighting


The honeybee’s final sting


Street artist Sainer goes big in


Mount Rainier casting a shadow on clouds


First contact


Irish Sky Garden crater


Moon bridge in
Dahu Park , Taipei


Flight of the devil rays


Gásadalur Village in the Faroe Islands


World’s edge


The Capilano suspension bridge in


Fractal patterns in dried out desert rivers


Meditating monks at
Pongour Falls


A sunset eclipse


Bora Bora from space


The largest raft of canoes and kayaks in the world


Adaptive roots in the concrete jungle


Hamilton Pool Nature Preserve


Above the canopy


Colliding rivers in
Geneva , Switzer land


The stunning green vine snake


Aurora australis (southern lights) from space


Mount Kilimanjaro from above


The amazing strength of an ant


Yarn bombing a bus in
Mexico City


Felix Baumgartner jumps from 71,580 feet


The most incredible aurora of 2012


Waterfall Island at Iguazu Falls


Overgrown railroad tracks in the forest


A pod of sleeping sperm whales


7 hours in one image


Pixel people perfection


Galactic monsoon


Striking artistry of multiple takeoffs at
Hannover Airport


Sailing like a boss


A sea of purple in the badlands of


Putting the size of a whale in perspective


Meanwhile in Switzer land


One boat and 145 water-skiers


Salar de Uyuni after some rain


Outdoor jacuzzi on the


The precious blue marble


Maelstrom at
Kauai , Hawaii


Capsized cruise ship Costa Concordia from space


Serenity now


Seal LOL


Bern from above




Posted via email from Jeff Fuson