Monday, October 4, 2010


I learned a powerful principle over the past few days that I wanted to pass on to you.  This is absolutely a golden nugget for those who want to be full-on Christ followers!

In studying the life of Joseph (Genesis 37-50) it seems that even though he was betrayed, sold as slave, falsely accused and imprisoned that he always served well wherever he was whatever the circumstance.  His leadership gifts just kept bubbling to the surface and he was always put in charge of everything possible.  The big idea is that Joseph kept giving it 100% wherever he was, even though it didn't seem to align with the dreams he had back as a teen of 17. 

At the end of the story in Genesis 50:20 he encourages his brothers this way, 'What you meant for evil God meant for good.'  His perspective is 20/20 since he's looking back over his life and all the circumstances he'd endured. 

Here's the golden nugget principle, 'The Position of Submission is the Most Powerful Position for a Christ follower of all." 

Joseph seemed to live with a posture of submission throughout his life that allowed God to move him along and 'have favor on him even when he was in prison'.  Joseph must have had questions along the way about what God was up to in all the weird circumstances of his life, but the Bible doesn't give us any hint that he ever wavered in his confidence in God or the dreams he'd had earlier.  He just kept doing the best he could with what he had where he was.  He was submitted to God in the middle of his circumstance.  

Joseph's position of submission reminded of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsamane asking God if there was any other way to accomplish the mission.  In what seemed like the weakest moment of His life, Jesus shows us the most powerful way to live when He says, 'Not my will, but yours be done.'  The position of submission led to the greatest breakthrough miracle of all time.

We can only be fully used by God when we assume a position of submission and allow God to do His work in us, for us, and through us.  It's the most powerful way to live.

Once again, the way of following Christ is the path of paradox.

May our prayers always  be, 'Not my will, but Yours be done.'  

Have a great day,

Jeff Fuson -Point Leader of Phos Church near Louisville Kentucky -Leadership Keynote Speaker -Husband / Daddy -Missional Church Planter

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