Monday, November 8, 2010

A Case of Miller High Life and Working 12 Hour Days then get up and do it all over again!

Just dropped off something to be worked on at a local business and got to hear the 'behind the scenes life' of the owner in these tough economic times. 

Not so long ago he was paying monthyly sales tax of $25,000, currently just $2,500 -- that's off pace by 90%!  He told about so many that owe him lots of dollars and the squeeze play he's in between the bank and his suppliers and keeping the doors open to supply the needs of the general public. 

His coping mechanism is do drink from 4:30 ('beer-thirty' he quipped in the store to another customer) until he passes out at 9:30 and then get up and try to have a good attitude and tackle it all again.  This is the story of so many of our friends and family these days. 

So, here's the question I'm rolling around in my head .... What 'Good News' and hope can I offer this friend.   How can I encourage him and help him through.  Where does this 'Good News' that I carry in my heart impact this situation?  How would you respond?  How would you bring hope to this seeminly hopeless businessman about to go under for the last time barring a HUGE miracle?

Let me know what you think.

Jeff Fuson -Point Leader of Phos Church near Louisville Kentucky -Leadership Keynote Speaker -Husband / Daddy -Missional Church Planter

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