Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The MUSIC of the Body of Christ ...

extraordinaire_instrument_de_musique.wmv Watch on Posterous

When we take our cues from God as He leads the orchestra composed of the Body of Christ the music is extraordinary!  I've said before that the body of Christ is like a great orchestra -- we all have a part to play under the direction of the Great Maestro, Jesus.  And, so when I see something this amazing I think of what's it like when the Body of Christ is orchestrated and conducted to play His music for the world to enjoy and to marvel at.  

[really, take the time to watch this!  It's very interesting, cool, and impressive ... ]


p.s.  this was an email forward from my dad, who sends me really cool stuff (most of the time!)




This is almost
      unbelievable. See how all of the balls wind up in catcher cones.

This incredible machine was built as a collaborative effort
      between the Robert M. Trammell Music Conservatory and the Sharon Wick
      School of Engineering at the University of Iowa . Amazingly, 97% of the
      machine's components came from John Deere Industries and Irrigation
      Equipment of Bancroft ,
Iowa . Yes, farm equipment!

      took the team a combined 13,029 hours (6.26 years) of set-up, alignment,
      calibration, and tuning before filming this video but as you can see, it
      was WELL worth the effort.

It is now on display in the Matthew
      Gerhard Alumni Hall at the University and is already slated to be donated
      to the Smithsonian.



Posted via email from Jeff Fuson

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