Friday, June 27, 2008

Helen Keller on Teaming Up!

"Alone we can do so little;
together we can do so much."
- Helen Keller

Leading a Volunteer Revolution is an amazing ride because I get to see the absolute best in people as they stretch and sacrifice and go the extra miles to benefit others. Launching Phos Hilaron Church has been a huge joy because I get to work with some of the most passionately gifted people on the planet. To work with them this week at 'Phorce Phield' -- our home-based version of a Backyard Bible Club or Vacation Bible School -- was a powerfully rewarding experience because it reminded me of the power of 'we'!

'WE' can do so much more than 'ME' -- no matter how great 'ME' is.

As a leader I'm fully convinced that when God's Volunteer Movement gets fully awake, energized and empowered that there'll be a revolution like this world has never witnessed. Imagine the collective firepower of the Body Of Christ on the move to solve the great challenges of the world. Rick Warren identifies 5 Global Giants in his PEACE plan that challenge the Church to rise up and be THE Church that Jesus imagined when he trained the original core team for the work of advancing the Gospel.

Let God Arise and the People of God Follow His Lead!
Jeff Fuson

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